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Releases: MathWorks-Teaching-Resources/Calculus-Derivatives


01 Nov 13:37
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Maintenance for R2024b

  1. Update CI workflow file and publish testing results as Pages
  2. Update .gitignore to match new file structure
  3. Update the Calculus Flashcards app to properly escape comment
    characters in Analysis feedback pane and to improve the response to
  4. Make sure images in Image folder have more descriptive names
  5. Update the testing files in SoftwareTests
  6. Add Instructor Resources with solutions
  7. Remove OldVersions and drop try/catch blocks for SeriesIndex="none"
    per its availability in R2024a
  8. Update the project startup/shutdown and file contents to match the
    current structure


22 Dec 00:40
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Significant updates include:

  • Improve support for dark or light theming
  • Add options to choose the types of functions used in the Calculus Flashcards App: polynomials, exponentials and logarithms, trigonometric functions
  • Reorganize content with better navigation
  • Add startup app with the option to review the module
  • Add information about how to contribute
  • Fix assorted content bugs
  • Add testing and CI


21 Jul 15:41
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Fix a typographical error.


27 Jan 18:21
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Update links to MATLAB Onramp and other online courses in MATLAB Academy


13 Sep 21:52
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This release adds a script on Taylor Polynomials, starting with tangent lines and adding additional terms.

This release adds better navigation from each script to the general navigation scripts as well.

This release adds support for Open in MATLAB Online, including adding a Navigation.mlx that will be used online.


06 Jan 19:41
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General Maintenance

  1. Update all images to have appropriate alt-text

  2. Update all images to be visible with various background colors

Maintenance fixes for derivativeRulesCombinations.mlx

  1. Improve the feedback to eliminate messages about NaN% errors
    when some practice problems have been attempted.

  2. Fixes a broken link to derivativeRulesPowers

Maintenance fixes for derivativeDefintion.mlx

  1. In the cooling coffee example, update the axis references so that
    even if another plot is current when the code is run, the additional
    axis ticks marking the point (t, T(t)) and adding the legend will occur
    on the correct plot.

  2. In the basketball example, correct the formula used in the original
    creation of the plot to match the formula used in the updates of the
    plot so the red dotted vertical line will properly track time in all

Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.1.2


23 Nov 17:55
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Adding additional checks on executable user input in the Calculus Flashcards app.

  1. Add earlier check for the positive usage of appropriate functions: sin(), cos(), tan(), sec(), csc(), cot(), log() and exp()
  2. Add earlier check for the positive usage of appropriate variables and constants: x, t, y, z, w, r, C
  3. Check for the negative usage of 'solve this for me' code: int() or diff()

Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1


19 Nov 22:29
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Add Calculus Flashcards app

  • Add the MATLAB app CalculusFlashcards.mlapp
  • Update the README to discuss the Calculus Flashcards app
  • Add links and instructions related to the Calculus Flashcards app at each
    practice point in derivativeRulesCombinations.mlx, derivativeRulesPowers.mlx,
    and derivativeRulesTranscendentals.mlx

Calculus Flashcards is a MATLAB® app that allows the user to select among four different categories of derivative practice (simple derivatives, linear combinations of powers, product rule, and chain rule) or integral practice (simple integrals, definite integrals, substitution, and integration by parts) or any combination thereof. Variables can be restricted to x and t or varied randomly over a larger set of options. The solutions can be displayed immediately or multiple attempts at each problem can be recorded. Results are tracked by type of problem including correct solutions, incorrect solutions, and problems which are not even attempted before generating a new one.

Full Changelog: v1.0.2...v1.1.0


05 Oct 21:22
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Updating links to Educator Resources in


17 Sep 15:43
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Update two links in

The first links to this repository on File Exchange. The second updates the secant line .gif to skip the tangent line graph due to the lack of a pause at that point.