A Assistant, but on Slack. It allows you to search Google, fetch the date, look up GIFs, and more. More features are in the works.
- Node.JS (preferably v6.0.0+)
- Botkit
- Request
- Google Search Scraper
- Oxford Dictionary API
npm install
Create a new custom integration in your Slack workspace https://api.slack.com/apps?new_app=1
Under the Add Features and Functionality section add a new bot
Give the bot a Display name and Default User name and complete by adding the new bot user
Under the Settings section, select Install App and install your new add to your workspace
After installation, the OAuth Tokens for Your Team is displayed. Copy the bot user auth token (xoxb -)
Update the config.js file providing the bot user auth token
Start the Bot running locally via node
node bot.js
Console output for running bot
Initializing Botkit v0.6.3
info: ** No persistent storage method specified! Data may be lost when process shuts down.
info: ** API CALL: https://slack.com/api/rtm.connect
notice: ** BOT ID: botname ...attempting to connect to RTM!
notice: RTM websocket opened
- Once running got to your Slack workspace, and click on your Bot under the Apps section
- Say 'Hello' to the Bot and if configured correctly you should get the response 'Hey there! How can I help you?'
- You should register for an API KEY or access to the apis running the other services in order to make use of those commands
- Update the config.js with your keys and information as necessary
- Google Search Scraper gives 10 results instead of the results specified (fixed by modifying directly the module)
- Captcha (make a VPN for the bot, connect via VPN, fill out captcha for latest search, try again)
- Translation returns BAD_NETWORK or something like that (fixed by modifying directly the module)