Releases: MasterOfTheTiger/apod-extension
New Sharing Options
This update is the first in a while, and there are a few changes that you will notice this time:
- New social sharing options! Added Diaspora* and Mastodon
- New icon! It looks cooler now (in my opinion)
- Removed that pesky w3.css that I never really needed
Please ask for more features at
Remove usafe assignments to innerHTML
Mozilla took down my addon and I fixed the issues that they told me to fix:
- Fixed unsafe assignments to innerHTML
- Removed link to JQuery file that no longer exists (I forgot to remove it in the last update
- Removed permission (storage) which is not being used
There is no changes for the user in this update. Everything works like before. You won't notice a thing.
Remove JS Libraries, Fix Visual Errors
Not much was done, but I made it smaller and simpler. I also fixed some visual bugs.
- Patched minor visual bug involving margins
- Fixed dropdown menu lineup
- Removed Moment.js in favor of standard JavaScript functions
- Removed unnecessary Font-Awesome code
- Removed JQuery library
Add Facebook Sharing, Delete Pictures
This update is not major, but I did change a bit internally. The biggest changes in v1.3.1 are the ability to share on Facebook and the sharing menu is now a dropdown menu.
- Added APOD Twitter link to popup.html footer
- Added sharing on Facebook support
- Changed the way the Twitter sharing function works
- Changed sharing from popup to dropdown menu
- Fixed sharing not displaying when image date entered manually
- Removed pictures that were not in use
Sharing Pictures
This release contains many enhancements and most notably, sharing. You can now share the current picture that you are viewing via email and Twitter (I am working on Facebook support as well).
Here is the official changelog:
- Added more hover notes
- Added link to image
- Add share option for email and Twitter
- Added "Check Internet Connection" message when loading for more than 5 seconds.
- Styled date box
- Changed some hover notes
- Made back button go to last viewed picture instead of today's
- Removed image borders
- Fixed date inconsistency
Visual improvements
This update contains nothing major, just a bit of visual clean-up and other minor improvements and bug fixes.
- "Justified" description text
- Added hint for back button "Back to today's picture"
- Added loader (displays for about a tenth of a second most of the time)
- Fixed image lineup
- Made videos fit the popup (instead of stretching outside of the popup)
Fixed Video bug and clean up files
Merge pull request #6 from MasterOfTheTiger/dev Removed Unnesesarry files, fixed display bug
New Style and Manual Entry
This update has many improvements, but most notably are the new design (with W3.css and FontAwesome icons) and the new date picker that allows you to manually choose a date for an APOD picture.
Here is the changelog:
- Added FontAwesome icons
- Added footer text
- Added W3.css
- Added manual loading images
- Moved CSS to /css folder
- Redesigned picture switch buttons
- Added help button
Switch Images
This version allows you to switch through previous images.
Initial Release
This is the first official version. It includes basic functionality and will be published to AMO.