An Emacs Lisp function to push tasks of org-agenda as tasks of todoist.
is part of GNU Emacs.
- todoist.el
- You can install via melpa.
- Download
and run(load-file "/path/to/org-export-todoist.el")
- Or, place
to somewhere suitable and run(require 'org-export-todoist)
M-x org-agenda
to open a list of agendaM-x org-current-agenda-export-todoist
to export the current tasks.
This is, at least currently, my very personal project, and I have no plan to implement/test any features beyond my personal usage. Nevertheless, any improvement or feedback (via GitHub Issues and/or Pull Request) is welcome.
Unit test can be run as follows.
emacs -Q --batch -L . --eval "(package-initialize)" --eval "(package-install 'todoist)" -l ./test-org-export-todoist.el --eval '(setq ert-batch-backtrace-right-margin 100)' --eval '(ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit (quote t))'