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RenderTune is a free electron app for Mac/Windows/Linux that uses ffmpeg to combine audio.+image file(s) into video files.


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RenderTune is a free open-source program for mac/win/linux to combine audio + image file(s) into video files that can be uploaded to YouTube.



I am currently working on a new version of RenderTune, if you want to clone the previous version of RenderTune, download release v1.1.4 ( or checkout branch main_backup_pre_react_rewrite Below is the previous README, the new README is located starting after line 20 (RenderTune v2.0)

Tutorial Video (Click To Watch):

RenderTune Tutorial Video


RenderTune is available for free on the Mac Apple Store, Windows Store, and Linux Snap Store. Click any of the below badges to view the store page.

Mac App Store MS badge Snapcraft

If you want to download RenderTune without using the above stores, you can download RenderTune from the most recent Github Release.


  • Use the Tracklist Table to reorder your songs by sorting the columns or dragging each song manually. screenshot

  • Concatenate multiple audio files to play one after another in a single outputted video file.

  • Batch render multiple videos at once and customize options for each video. screenshot

  • Video Render Options: screenshot

    • Image: Change which image to render your video with.
    • Padding: Add white or black padding to the outputted video frame. screenshot
    • Resolution: Change outputted video resolution.
    • Output Dir: Change outputted video location.
  • Use the "Renders" popup to track the progress of your video renders. screenshot

  • Supported audio formats: mp3, flac, wav, m4a, oog, wma, aiff. Supported image formats: png, jpeg, jpg, webp.

  • Outputted video format: mp4.

How to setup and run RenderTune locally:

Clone the repo and change directory to be inside of it:

git clone

cd RenderTune

Install NVM (node package manager) and set it to download and use Node v20.9.0:

nvm install 20.9.0

nvm use 20.9.0

Download necessary packages and run:

npm i -g yarn cross-env wait-on concurrently

yarn install

npm start

Run one of these commands to build/install ffmpeg locally:

  • npm run download-ffmpeg-darwin-arm64

  • npm run download-ffmpeg-darwin-x64

  • npm run download-ffmpeg-linux-x64

  • npm run download-ffmpeg-win32-x64

  • For windows you will need to install 7zip and set a PATH env var for "C:\Program Files\7-Zip" so that 7z works from the command line.

How to build locally:

npm i -g electron-builder

electron-builder --windows

How to release a new version of RenderTune:

  1. Change version number in package.json

  2. Tag a new version: git tag v1.0.8

  3. Push the tag to GitHub: git push origin v1.0.8

  4. Edit release so that .appx and .pkg include text 'DO-NOT-DOWNLOAD'

  5. Download .appx and submit it to the Microsoft store

How to setup Mac Apple Store signing:

  • Need to set the following GitHub actions secret values:

How to set the following requirered Mac Apple Store credentials in GitHub Actions -> Repository Secrets


    • Navigate to Apple App Store Connect ( -> Users and Access -> Click the 'integrations' tab at the top of the page, click on 'App Store Connect API' on the left, and under 'Team Keys' click the blue plus icon to generate a new key with App Manager access (
    • I generated a key with the name 'RenderTune_2025_app_manager'
    • Copy the API Key ID, and save that as the secret value.

    • Download the key we just made, save it as a .p8 file
    • Open that file in vscode, copy the contents, and save that as the secret value.

    • Go to certificates: Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles - Apple Developer

    • Create and download the following certs:

      • Developer ID Installer (downloaded)
      • Developer ID Application (downloaded)
      • Mac Installer Distribution (downloaded)
      • Mac App Distribution (downloaded)
      • Mac Development (downloaded)
    • Drag & drop them into "login" keychain access

    • Go to provisioning profiles:

      • Re-generate "App Store" and "Development" provisioning profiles
      • macOS_app_development
      • Com.martinbarker.digifyunique
      • Check all certificates & devices
      • Download: macOS_app_development_digifyunique.provisionprofile
    • App store development

      • Com.martinbarker.digifyunique
      • Check the newly generated "Mac App Distribution" certificate's radio box
      • Download: mac_app_store_connect.provisionprofile
    • Run command to get contents

      • base64 < mac_app_store_connect.provisionprofile | pbcopy
      • Make sure this file is the same on that is located in the root of the repo and used by package.json / electron-builder
    • Paste clipboard contents into PROVISIONING_PROFILE_BASE64



    • In keychain access, select the following, export save locally with strong password:
      • Developer ID Application: *
      • Developer ID Installer: *
      • 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: *
      • 3rd Party Mac Developer Application: *

Add the following GH Actions secrets:

  • MAC_CERTS_PASSWORD with the generated password

  • MAC_CERTS to the output of this command: base64 -i Certificates.p12 -o - | pbcopy



RenderTune is a free electron app for Mac/Windows/Linux that uses ffmpeg to combine audio.+image file(s) into video files.








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