Collection of useful git commands and tricks. Always good to have them ready.
: The following commands have only been tested with MacOS using the Z shell (zsh).
# Run the setup script
git config --global rerere.enabled true
Description: Enable Reuse Recorded Resolution which is especially useful when working in a codebase with other collaborators. It will store how conflict resolution has been done for a specific conflict so the next time a rebase is done, these conflicts are automatically resolved. Legend says this is one of the most common problems why people hate rebasing. Skill issues, perhaps.
I've gathered the following aliases that combine some git commands which I find useful. You can see the more detailed description in each of the subsections below. Copy-paste the alias command in your terminal and you should be ready to go :)
git oopsie
git new $branch-name
git del $branch-name
git prune-branches
git graph
git stats [$author-name]
git find-branch $search-string
git rebase -i HEAD~N
, where N
is the amount of commits that need to be rebased.
Description: This command will open up your editor of choice, and this is where you should change all entries of pick
to squash
expect the first entry.
Create shortcut to squash all commits until the place where the branch based of the parent branch.
git config --global alias.oopsie '!f() {
echo "\033[1;33mDANGER! You sure you want to rewrite remote history? (y/n): \033[0m\c"
read confirm
if [ "$confirm" != "y" ]; then
echo "Operation aborted.";
exit 0;
git reset --soft HEAD~1
git stash
git push -f
git stash pop
}; f'
Only use this one on your own branches, not main or master or another collaborative branch where people have also 'their' version of the branch. Or if you think you know your shit, do it on the default branch and let the world burn!
git config --global 'switch -c'
Description: Yes, I'm this lazy.
git config --global alias.del '!f() {
git switch -;
git branch -D $1;
}; f'
Description: Yes, I'm this lazy.
git config --global alias.prune-branches '!f() {
git switch main && git fetch -p &&
for branch in $(git branch -vv | grep ": gone]" | awk '"'"'{print $1}'"'"'); do
echo "Deleting branch $branch";
git branch -d "$branch";
}; f'
git config --global alias.graph 'log --graph --oneline --decorate --branches --tags'
Description: Shows the history in graph representation of this git project.
git config --global alias.stats '!f() {
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
AUTHOR=$(git config --local;
if [ -z "$AUTHOR" ]; then
AUTHOR=$(git config --global;
REPO=$(basename $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel));
NUM_COMMITS=$(git log --author="$AUTHOR" --pretty=oneline | wc -l | xargs)
NUM_FILES_CHANGED=$(git log --author="$AUTHOR" --name-only --pretty=format: | sort | uniq | wc -l | xargs)
FIRST_COMMIT=$(git log --author="$AUTHOR" --reverse --pretty=format:"%ad" --date=short | head -n 1)
LAST_COMMIT=$(git log --author="$AUTHOR" --pretty=format:"%ad" --date=short | head -n 1)
TOTAL_COMMITS=$(git rev-list --all --count)
git log --author="$AUTHOR" --pretty=tformat: --numstat |
awk -v author="$AUTHOR" -v repo="$REPO" -v num_commits="$NUM_COMMITS" -v num_files_changed="$NUM_FILES_CHANGED" -v first_commit="$FIRST_COMMIT" -v last_commit="$LAST_COMMIT" -v total_commits="$TOTAL_COMMITS" "BEGIN {
white = \"\033[0;37m\"
green = \"\033[0;32m\"
red = \"\033[0;31m\"
yellow = \"\033[1;33m\"
reset = \"\033[0m\"
border = \"|==================================================|\"
header = \"|=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= Git Statistics =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=|\"
print border
print header
print border
printf \"| %-25s %s%-22s%s |\n\", \"Author:\", white, author, reset
printf \"| %-25s %s%-22s%s |\n\", \"Repository:\", white, repo, reset
printf \"| %-25s %s%-22s%s |\n\", \"Commits:\", white, num_commits, reset
printf \"| %-25s %s%-22s%s |\n\", \"Files Changed:\", white, num_files_changed, reset
printf \"| %-25s %s%-22s%s |\n\", \"First Commit:\", white, first_commit, reset
printf \"| %-25s %s%-22s%s |\n\", \"Last Commit:\", white, last_commit, reset
printf \"| %-25s %s%-22s%s |\n\", \"Total Commits in Repo:\", white, total_commits, reset
print border
add += \$1;
subs += \$2;
loc += \$1 - \$2
printf \"| %-25s %s+ %-20d%s |\n\", \"Added Lines:\", green, add, reset
printf \"| %-25s %s- %-20d%s |\n\", \"Removed Lines:\", red, subs, reset
printf \"| %-25s %sΔ %-20d%s |\n\", \"Total Lines:\", yellow, loc, reset
print \"|==================================================|\\n\"
}" -;
}; f'
Description: Get a short and sweet overview of the amount of lines you've added to the git project that you're currently in. Command can be used as git stats
when you want to see your own stats, or git stats "Name of Person"
to see it by name.
git config --global alias.find-branch '!f() {
branches=$(git branch --list | grep "$1");
if [ -z "$branches" ]; then
echo "No results found";
echo "$branches";
}; f'
Description: In longer running projects with a lot of different branches being worked on simultaneously, it's sometimes quicker to figure out the name of a specific branch than to go back to the project management tool of choice to find what name someone gave to it. If you know a part of the name, that should be enough.