R-package to import, merge, and visualise Campbell Scientific *.dat files
help(package = CampbellLogger)
for details on the functions provided by this package.
To install this package straight from github the "devtools" is needed.
Then, CampbellLogger package installation via
Installation under Windows might require the installation of Rtools. There will be a prompt for it if needed.
# using the CampbellLogger library to import files
df <- CampbellAllImport(logger.folder = "~/AgFace/2015/Campbell_logger/logger_data",
log.interval = "Hourly")
# put all sensors of similar type together
df.cast <- CampbellCast(df)
# calculate sunrise and sunset times for all dates in df
ephemeral.times <- CampbellSunriseSunset(df)
# create figure for the last 48 hours, for the soil moisture sensors,
# implement a y-axis range from 0 to 0.35,
# identify each sensor per system by colour,
# discard data outside of the chosen y-axis scale,
# and include information on day- / night-time.
MyRecentPlot(para = "Soil_Avg",
hours = 48,
data = df.cast,
yscale_min = 0,
yscale_max = 0.35,
sensor.colour = TRUE,
cartesian = TRUE,
ephemeral.time = TRUE,
ephemeral.object = ephemeral.times)