A multi-threaded sudoku validator built for the Operating Systems with System Programming (IDATA2305) course.
This is a mandatory project, but it does not count towards the final grade in the subject.
- Design a multi-threaded application that determines whether the solution to a sudoku puzzle is valid.
- The application verifies a sudoku puzzle from CSV files given by the professor, provided in the 'testCSVs' folder.
- Fulfill the following criteria:
- Check that each column contains the digits 1 through 9.
- Check that each row contains the digits 1 through 9.
- Check that each of the 3 × 3 sub-grids contains the digits 1 through 9.
- Head to https://marko19907.github.io/sudoku-validator/
to see the project in operation.
This is the preferred method.
- Make sure you have installed Node.js on the system.
- Download and the extract zip-file or clone project to the desired location.
- Run the command
yarn install
in the project root. - After all the dependencies of project of the project are installed, run the command
craco start
in the project root. - The app should then be available at http://localhost:3000