Creating the database if doesn't exist, adding path for db file + ind…
Creating the database if doesn't exist, adding path for db file + ind…
TODO list updated + remove unused code
TODO list updated + remove unused code
TCP multithreaded server working!
TCP multithreaded server working!
Progress with multithreaded server
Progress with multithreaded server
hashmap_get_keys function + progress in list command
hashmap_get_keys function + progress in list command
Fixed the socket read function + progress with list function
Fixed the socket read function + progress with list function
Get & set correctly working
Get & set correctly working
Force push
Solved the crashing segfault error on second get
Solved the crashing segfault error on second get
Documentation on project building/compilation.
Documentation on project building/compilation.
Rebuilding project from CLion IDE
Rebuilding project from CLion IDE
Database adapted for TCP connections (not finished)
Database adapted for TCP connections (not finished)
Optimized key lenght & fixed get function
Optimized key lenght & fixed get function
Force push