This is a fork with executed code of the book Data Science from Scratch written by Joel Grus. All examples are made as .ipynb files in Jupiter Notebook.
I created executable files while studying this book. All files partially repeat the code from the book, but a part of the code is changed, updated and adapted to Python 3.
I used russian edition of the first edition of original book. First edition was originally published in 2015 and there was a second edition in 2019. So part of the code has been significantly updated by me.
- Introduction
- A Crash Course in Python
- Visualizing Data
- Linear Algebra
- Statistics
- Probability
- Hypothesis and Inference
- Gradient Descent
- Getting Data
- Working With Data
- Machine Learning
- k-Nearest Neighbors
- Naive Bayes
- Simple Linear Regression
- Multiple Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Decision Trees
- Neural Networks
- Clustering
- Natural Language Processing
- Network Analysis
- Recommender Systems
- Databases and SQL
- MapReduce
- Go Forth And Do Data Science