You should create an application which allows a user to input first name, last name and GPA of students. In addition, program should enlist those students.
Project details: • Application will have two operations: „ENLIST“ and „DISPLAY“ • „ENLIST“ - allows to insert student into list of students • „DISPLAY“ – displays list of students sorted alphabetically (sort by last name - ascending) • Enforce case-insensitive operation name (e.g. a user can type: „eNlist“, „ENLIst“, „enlist“ and application should still work) • Display message if user type non-existing operation, and allow to try it again • Prevent possibility to insert empty values for each studen's property (first name, last name, GPA) [Data validation] • Display message „You need to insert value. “ and allow user to insert new value again • Prevent possibility to insert string instead of numerical value for GPA • Display message „You need to insert numerical value.“ and allow user to insert new value again • After „DISPLAY“ operation, program should stop – user should be able to see the displayed students but user shouldn't be able to insert new one.
Project structure details: • Project.Code – ClassLibrary project – core business logic of your application (must be referenced into ConsoleApplication project) • Project.App – ConsoleApplication project – entry point of your application (everything related to the console's input/output will be made here)
Implementantion details: • You need to create a static class Operations which holds operation names (you will check operation input against these constants) • Create a abstract class Person which holds common properties to each person (including Id) • Create Student class which holds specific student properties (use inheritance) • Create StudentContainer which will have in-memory list of all students, and will have methods to manipulate that list. • Since user should not be able to assign student id, you need to create StudentIdGenerator class which will provide unique id-s (you may use Singleton pattern – for now avoid thread safe version) • Upon Student object creation, system will acquire Id via StudentIdGenerator – a user should not be able to set Id • Create dedicated validation class with methods to validate string (null or empty), operation name and GPA's appropriate data type
Console (bolded values are user input)
Operation: ENLIST
First name: Ivan (Upon "ENTER" keystroke next property will appear.
In this case "Last name")
Last name: Ivanovic
GPA: 2.5 (Upon "ENTER" keystroke - student should be inserted into
repository, and user will be able to choose an operation again)
Operation: ENLIST
First name: Ana
Last name: Anic
GPA: 4.6
Operation: display
Students in a system:
1. Anic, Ana - 4.6 2. Ivanovic, Ivan - 2.5