Table of Contents
An e-commerce application where the registered users can buy and sell products. Its a great project where i praticed authentication, encrypt passwords, back-end and front-end validation, animations, MVC architeture, upload files, user session, sending emails, login and password recovery, how to introduce a shopping cart to an e-commerce, orders management, SQL queries and a lot of other cool stuff.
- Javascript
- Node.js
- Nunjucks (template engine)
- Express.js (server)
- Express-session
- PostgreSQL (database)
- NodeMailer (emails)
- Multer (upload files)
- Faker (fake data)
- BcryptJS (hash passwords)
- Method-override (HTTP verbs PUT/DELETE)
Project developed for educacional purposes.
- npm
npm install npm@latest -g
- PostgreSQL
Clone the repo
git clone
Install NPM packages
npm install
Run on PostgreSQL the queries that are in database.sql to create a database "launchstoredb" and all the tables necessary.
Configure your access to database on
module.exports = new Pool({ user: "postgres", password: "xxxxxx", host:"localhost", port: "5432", database: "launchstoredb" });
If you want to populate your database with fake data to test the application you can run the command
node seed.js
Run the application
npm start
- HomePage - List of new products on platform
- Users LogIn/Register/PasswordRecover Pages - Here you have the pages to user Login, Register and Recover Password.
- Logged Users Home/AddProduct/Products/Orders/Sales Pages - Here you can see the pages available for logged user.
- Producst Details/ShoppingCart/SendOrder Pages - Here you have the pages of product details, the shopping cart and the confirmations of a sent order.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
Mario Andres Doncel Neto
Email -
Whatsapp - +55 19 99612 9909
Project Link: