Program to output an ANSI-Formatted MOTD in console. You can build it from source and install manually, or if you are cool and use arch, install it from the aur.
pasmotd [--help] <color> <styles, seperated with whitespace>
If no parameters are given, it will just output with hardcoded default settings (white, no style). A color is requried inorder to specify any amount of styles.
pasmotd cyan rapidblink bold
Find out the Store-Path of your messages with the --help
parameter. Within the specified
file you will be able to add your messages seperated by line.
If you have no lines within the file, "Freeman you fool!" will always be output as a fallback.
Colors: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta
, cyan, white, brightblack, brightred,
brightgreen, brightyellow, brightblue,
brightmagenta, brightcyan, brightwhite
Styles: bold, dim, italic, underline, slowblink
, rapidblink, reverse, normal