This is my version of Rhino Ski Game. You can view the game online here.
The codebase for refactoring is not maintainable, not testable, and not scalable. It hasn't any clear pattern nor comments. The js code
included in the index.html is not minified, the project hasn't automated tasks for linting, concatenation, minification and test of code.
When the skier crashes into an obstacle and the player press the left arrow key, the screen turns completely white. If we look at the console we'll see the message: "Cannot read property 'width' of undefined" in the line 213 of the games.js file when the game is executing the "checkIfSkierHitObstacle" function. The followig flow explains the bug:
- Once the skier crashed =>
skierDirection = 0
(skierDirection variable value is 0) - When the player press the left key =>
skierDirection = -1
(skierDirection variable is -1). - Next, in the "checkIfSkierHitObstacle" function, the game tries to calculate the skier position to determine if the skier hit an obstacle, but the
skierImage is undefined
becauseskierAssetName is undefined
For fixing this bug we have to limit the skierDirection
value between [0-5].
The styling is very important for games. This project only has a minimum CSS file. The player cannot see when the game starts or finishes. The interface doesn't show the player's score, nor the game's rules. So, the communication between the game and the player is very very poor.
In order to build the project into a clear structure, I'll organize the files as follow:
- dist directory: this directory contains the files for the deployed version.
- spec directory: this directory contains the tests files and the configuration file for the tool selected for the automated tests.
- src directory: this directory contains the project's code.
- Gruntfile.js: the configuration file for the Grunt tasks.
- index.html: The project's main file.
- testRunner.html: the html interface for the tests.
- Grunt, the JavaScript task runner: I use this tool to automatically perform the following tasks: minification, compilation saas, and linting.
- Jasmine: the behavior-driven development framework for JavaScript unit Testing.
- Sass, the CSS preprocessor: Sass provides clenear and easier rules to the project, and adds features that aren’t available in regular CSS such the color manage, custom functions, etc.
- grunt-contrib-jshint: to ensure that the code adheres to best practices, or it doesn't result in unexpected behaviors.
- grunt-contrib-concat: for to concat all de .js files in the project.
- grunt-contrib-uglify-es: for minifying the project code.
- grunt-contrib-sass: for to compile Sass to CSS.
- grunt-contrib-cssmin: for minifying the project css file.
- grunt-contrib-watch: for checking the code at every change I perform.
In order to run the jshint task correctly, you must to create the .jshintrc
file and define these properties into it:
"esversion": 6,
"strict": true,
"module": true,
"globals": {
"$": false,
"_": false,
"window": false,
"document": false,
"Image": false,
"module": true,
"eqeqeq": true,
"console": true
Then, you can run the grunt tasks typing : grunt
; or for checking the code at every change and run the tasks automatically, type: grunt watch
The code is organized into three directories: Code, Entities and Sass.
I've designed the code following different patterns. Patterns can be categorized into three groups: creational patterns, structural patterns, and behavioral patterns. In terms of creational pattern, I used: prototype, factory method, and singleton; in terms of structural pattern, I used: decorator and facade; and, in terms of behavioral patterns, I used: iterator and observer.
The skier, the rhino, and obstacles are elements in the game that can be placed, moved, and drawn in the canvas. That's why I defined the class Element. So, Skier, Rhino and Obstacle inherit from Element.
In the game, several obstacles are placed while the skier is skying. So, the project needs an entity that places initial obstacles at the beginning of the game, places new objects and calculates the position in the canvas of each of them. That's why ObstacleManager class is needed.
The Skier entity has methods and properties for moving the skier in different directions, and checking if the skier collisions with an obstacle. This entity uses SkierDecorator and Observable classes. The first one decorates the skier in the canvas when he jumps or he makes a path in the snow, and the second one communicates that the skier jumps an obstacle that can be jumped (a ramp), and when this occurs an event is triggered (in this project, that event is defined in the Game class).
The Rhino entity has methods and properties to appears in a given time, catches the skier and eats him. This entity uses RhinoDecorator for controlling the rhino estates defined as follow: initial, running, lift, mouth open, and eat.
The Player is who plays the game. This entity has properties and methods for updating the player score. Player class calls Store object defined as a singleton for managing the data stored through localStorage.
The Game class has properties and methods for controlling the game. This class instantiates an object Canvas class, an object of Skier class, an object of Rhino class, an object of ObstaclesManager class, and an object of Player class.
The Game class controls the game state: running, in pause, game over; it defines the actions for the player events (key press) and notifies the player when the game is paused or the game is over. It also defines an observable event for the skier object (in this case, the skier jumps over a ramp, and then the score is updated).
The Canvas object creates and clear the canvas, and also draws images and illustrates paths.
The game needs to show a few data like the speed game, the player score, to show a welcome message at the beginning of the game, or to show a message when the game is paused or the game is over. That's why I use the NotificationManager class as argument of the Game class constructor.
NotificationManager inherits from DomManager that controls the style and the content of the HTML containers. NotificationManager controls the load of the game assets and shows the game state.
Lastly, index.js inits the game. First, it instantiates a NotificationManager object. Then, it shows the message "Loading game..." until the game assets are loaded. When the assets are loaded, an object game is instantiated and the game starts.
- Jumps: The skier jumps just for fun but if the skier jumps over ramps or stones, the player obtains points extra.
- Speed: The speed grows along the time. Skier is getting faster as the game progresses.
- Feed the hungry Rhino. When the skier skys for too long, a yeti appears and catch the skier for eating.
- Score. The score is stored using localStorage allowing that this data persists across browser refreshes.
- Welcome message: when the game is loaded, a welcome message appears that shows the game rules and allows begining the game.
- Skier expression: when the skier jumps, he says Yeah!
- Pause: the game can be paused when the player press the ESC key. The app show a message saying that the game is paused and shows the player score at that moment.
- Reset: once the game is over, it can be reseted.
In order to test the code I've written some tests. These tests are hosted in the spec directory. I you want to see the result of these tests you can type - for example - http://localhost:5000/testRunner.html
in your browser.
For running the game I needed to configurate a HTTP server, and to define a request manager. The first one is in the web.js
file, and the second one is in the server.js
For running the game locally, run:
node web.js
You can also view the game online here.