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File metadata and controls

40 lines (33 loc) · 2.58 KB


The most important arguments is INPUT FILE to specify the location of the text input file. The table below provides an overview of the currently implemented arguments. The Argument column corresponds to the CLI (python <INPUT FILE> [ARGUMENTS]) invocation of Visual Narrator, while column Parameter describes the corresponding parameter assignment when using method VisualNarrator().run(). In addition, this column shows whether to define the Parameter at the class VisualNarrator() or in the method .run().

Positional arguments

Argument Required? Description
INPUT FILE Yes Specify the file name of the User Story input file

Optional arguments

Argument Parameter Description
-h, --help Show a help message and exit
-n SYSTEM_NAME, --name SYSTEM_NAME systemname (.run()) Specify a name for your system
-u, --print_us print_us (.run()) Print additional information per User Story
-o, --print_ont print_ont (.run()) Print the output ontology in the terminal
--prolog prolog (VisualNarrator) Output prolog arguments to a .pl file. Combine with --link to reason about user stories
--json json (VisualNarrator) Output mined user stories to a .json file.
--version Display the program's version number and exit
Argument Description
-s, --statistics Show statistics for the User Story set and output these in .csv files
Ontology generation tuning
Argument Parameter (VisualNarrator) Description Type Default
-p, --per_role per_role Create an additional conceptual model per role N/A
-l, --link link Link all ontology classes to their respective User Story for usage in the set analysis N/A
-t THRESHOLD threshold Set the threshold for the selected classes FLOAT 1.0
-b BASE_WEIGHT base_weight Set the base weight INT 1
-wfr WEIGHT_FUNC_ROLE weight (weight['func_role']) Weight of functional role FLOAT 1.0
-wmo WEIGHT_MAIN_OBJ weight (weight['main_obj']) Weight of main object FLOAT 1.0
-wffm WEIGHT_FF_MEANS weight (weight['ff_means']) Weight of noun in free form means FLOAT 0.7
-wffe WEIGHT_FF_ENDS weight (weight['ff_ends']) Weight of noun in free form ends FLOAT 0.5
-wcompound WEIGHT_COMPOUND weight (weight['compound']) Weight of nouns in compound compared to head FLOAT 0.66