All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See commit-and-tag-version for commit guidelines.
2.3.2 (2025-02-07)
2.3.1 (2025-02-07)
2.3.0 (2024-11-25)
- set language based to the user interaction (9155ca2)
- set language for logs (c5813fe)
- use cmdLn instead of manually each lang (e92ca4f)
- use cmdLn instead of manually each lang (a3e39ef)
- command value not found (e83bc9c)
- do not revive old threads (archived), only add user to existing thread (24d3d8d)
- remove useless cmd (07ee896)
2.2.0 (2023-07-14)
- add logs (69e6691)
- index: fix import path (2e84399)
- listener: automatically join the bot to the thread (7eb2cd5)
- listener: member update logs (d09bf11)
- maps: the key doesn't exist on configuration map (0a5c6ae)
- user not added in thread (efd0b3f)
v2.1.0 (2023-07-08)
- dep: update dependancies
- add tslib dependency
- info.ts: add localization for bot information command (#2b5443cc)
- maps: Refactor setting and getting config values
- channelType: improve channel check logic
- language: lang reset when ready
- utils: fix condition check in getUsersToPing function
- Remove unnecessary imports and fix import order
- Simplify role adding logic in getRoleToPing function
- use console log for important command info
- commands: reorganize import statements
- format imports in follow.ts
2.0.0 (2023-07-04)
- db: remove db on guild removed also load db for first time when added
- db: reconfigure completely the db
- remove unused import & redundant variable
the db must be destroyed, removing ALL change from user
1.2.4 (2023-07-03)
- add prerestart
- update version number
- dep: update version
- add config commands
- config: rework embed to have cleaner menu
- config: prevent double interaction if two cmd are send
- config: "auto" not recognized
- add version number to
- translation: better french button name
1.2.2 (2023-07-02)
- bump v1.2.1
- install: update new value
- package: start wrong place
- add info about forum
- change hierarchy title
- add info about /config
- add new .env
- forgot "category" permission and forum permission edited
- update commands name for role-in
- style: some embeds adjustement
1.2.1 (2023-07-02)
- version: get version from package
1.2.0 (2023-07-02)
- release: edit generating release
- version: update version
- add info command
- ignore database by emap
- rename bot & desc
- remove idea folder
- changelog: add create release
- dep: use pnpm
- init: installation script for dev
- release: update file name
- release: add config
- better time format
- add time to log
- add pm2 cmd
- use pm2 to keep bot alive
- add info about node version
- add description to function
- add info about the white notif and message not deleted
- add info sur role-in
- fix typo
- localization
- update readme + /update help
- fix two whitespace
- add info about configuration edit with slash commands
- add translation info in README
- explain the bot purpose
- add link to thread watcher
- add french translation
- add server links to knitting
- don't remove user
- warning about commands
- add "onbotjoin" info
- add permission + dev info
- improve docs with information about ping
- Enmap: add Enmap info
- README: update readme with the new features
- intern: add links to structure
- add helps for commands using
/update help
- onThreadUpdated & Created
- add custom message for loading
- ignore Role in Thread
- onMemberUpdate, trigger only when role change
- follow role in thread
- only-role and only-channel modes
- check if channel/category/thread is ignored for the update / followed
- check ignored channels
- add message info
- allow to ignore & display
- move ignore to they own commands, added role ignore
- don't update if thread is excluded
- introduce ignore commands
- allow to delete a role without chan
- optimize function
- add function
- translation commands name
- mode manual and show config directly in config commands
- add translation to slash commands
- add configuration slash commands
- manage commands to set permission
- add NODE_ENV for log
- add slash commands to manually update thread
- optimize add member by using first the role
- auto add to thread when bot is added to the serv
- no ping !
- add new member to thread they can see
- config: use a button menu for configuration
- improvement: keep the message and edit it for adding user to thread Prevent ping/ghost ping
- translation: add translation for roleIn feature
- french translation missing key
- forgot that ping send a notification, return to emoji
- use await for thread.members.add
- remove user when role change
- prevent crash when bot is kick
- prevent user without role to use the commands
- multiple ping/message when one can be used
- french translation broken
- in some case, user are considered like "ignored"
- rework translation
- redondant check
- toIgnore has type not related to CategoryChannel thanks webstorm
- check if channel/category/thread is ignored for the update
- use another way to loads commands
- rename emoji to message for env variable
- add color for log
- update log for using environment variable
- message for online
- discord only love lowercase
- upgrading translation using i18next and fixedT
- crash config when value is undefined
- forgot to remove old commands when loading
- changing language
- wrong environment created
- message for online
- config: forgot translation
- i18n: update config show & translation
- interaction: send a message in codeblocks with error
- optimize: send the message only if there are role to add
- translation: some string was forgotten
- translation: add translation
- translation: invalid string length I hate french
- translation: formatting broken
- typeError: convert to number
- log
- remove unused embed
- remove duplicate translation
- rename threadUpdate to channelUpdate
- rename slash commands
- add log
- improve message logging
- remove unused keys
- add translation for new commands
- remove unused function
- remove useless logging
- add logs for commands loading in serv
- fusion "ignore" and "follow" function and use string to know which one is used
- remove unused import
- remove emoji/message
- remove unused import
- optimization with get allMember/role to add and thereafter edit the message with the complete list
- remove useless files
- remove useless import
- remove useless files
- eslint: no explicit any disable
- move: create file for each type of things
- optimize: move some redondant to their own function
- translation: move strings
- translation: translation string
- eslint: fix whitespace and quote
- eslint: endlines
- eslint: fix
- eslint: update eslint to ignore js
- eslint: fix
- import: style import