- Pricing is one of the most important decisions that hosts need to make to gain profits.
- The prediction exercise here provides a method to predict prices for properties around the same area with similar conditions.
- It will give the hosts a better idea of the property’s market values.
- Airbnb can retain hosts, expand its business, and eventually increase revenues.
- Data preprocessing: Drop missing data and remove outliers
- Exploratoy Data Analysis:
- Create histograms and correlation matrix for numeric features
- Visualize listings and prices distributions across states
- Data Modeling:
- Use linear regression, XGBoost and multivariate adaptive regression splines to predict prices
- Compare the model performances by RMSE, MAE and R2 Score
- Price is most positively correlated with host listings count and availabilty in the year.
- Price is correlated with Room types and city.
- So, more listing a host has, the price is higher and if the place is more available, you can charge more!
- Predicted prices with three models: linear regression, multivariate adaptive regression splines, and XGBoost.
- XGBoost has the best performance with the highest R square and lowest RMSE and MAE.
- Room types and city are the key predictors.