Exports metrics from Google Analytics + Realtime Reporting API and writes the data to InfluxDB >= 0.9.x
This project was inspired by https://github.com/soulgalore/gatographite from Peter Hedenskog. If you want to send your analytics data to Graphite, have a look at Gatographite!
npm install analytics2influx
To export data from Google Analytics you first have to create an Analytics developer API account and add the account to the related Analytics profiles. These instructions should hopefullx get you through http://www.bentedder.com/server-to-server-authorization-for-google-analytics-api-with-node-js
You can fetch metrics from the Google Analytics API: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/dimsmets
and metrics from the Google Realtime Reporting API: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/realtime/dimsmets/
Please note, that you cannot combine metrics from both APIs.
You can either call analytics2inlux
with commandline parameters or use the export.sh
file to configure everything.
Analytics API
analytics2influx --metrics ga:pageviews,ga:sessions --dimensions ga:hostname --influxHost localhost --influxUser tester --influxPassword test
Realtime Reporting API
analytics2influx --mode rt --rt_metrics rt:activeUsers --rt_dimensions rt:userType --influxHost localhost --influxUser tester --influxPassword test
// Fetch data from yesterday and send to InfluxDB
// Fetch data from three days back -> today and send to InfluxDB
analytics2influx 3
// Send data for a specific date
analytics2influx 2015-06-01
For Google Analytics metrics the date & time dimensions are added automatically. Metric from the Google Realtime API use the current system timestamp. Doublecheck your systems date and time settings before using the Realtime Reporting API.
All dimensions and their values are used as tags in InfluxDB. The Analytics ViewId is added as "ga_id" automatically for both APIs.
It doesn't matter how many metrics you select while querying the APIs, all values are stored in separate measurements named ga_[metricname] or rt_[metricname] with the tags mentioned above.