Your Custom project! This should be something that you want to build with React. Your project doesn't have to be complex or massive in scope. Instead make something you can finish in the time available (check the due date for final project.)
It's important to revisit the concepts from class to solidify your learning. Practice is important. Building something of your own invention is also important and satisfying.
Your project does have to meet these criteria:
- Built with react as a single page application
- Form elememts should implememt Controlled Component Pattern
- Integrates or makes network request to an external API
- Fetch and Render data with React from external libraries
- Manages Application state with Redux
Post your work to GradeScope.
Class 13 - May 12
- | Does not meet expectations | Meets expectations | Exceeds expectations |
Completed | Did not complete | Completed tutorial | Solved some or all challenges |
Functional | Is not functional | Base tutorial functional | Challenges are functioning |
Uses Redux | Does not use Redux | Makes use of redux, actions, and reducers | - |
Uses loads network data | Doesn't load network data | Loads network data | - |
Code quality | Indentation is bad spacing is inconsistent | Uses consistent indentation and spacing | Well written and well commented |