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"Easy To Use" MPU6050 library for using in AVR - ARM Cortex M


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"Easy To Use" MPU6050 library for using in AVR - ARM Cortex M

Version : 2.0.0

  • Type : Embedded Software.

  • Support : All C/C++ compiler.

  • Program Language : C

  • Properties :

Initialization and de-initialization functions:

MPU_StatusTypeDef MPU6050_Init(MPU_TypeDef *MPUx, uint16_t Timeout);
MPU_StatusTypeDef MPU6050_AutoInit(MPU_TypeDef *MPUx, uint16_t Timeout);
MPU_StatusTypeDef MPU6050_DefInit(MPU_TypeDef *MPUx, uint16_t Timeout);

Operation functions:

/* ............................ Check .......................... */
MPU_StatusTypeDef MPU6050_IsReady(MPU_TypeDef *MPUx, uint8_t Trials, uint16_t Timeout);
MPU_StatusTypeDef MPU6050_Reset(MPU_TypeDef *MPUx, uint16_t Timeout);

/* ....................... Configuration ....................... */
MPU_StatusTypeDef MPU6050_SetDeviceID(MPU_TypeDef *MPUx, uint8_t ID, uint16_t Timeout);
MPU_StatusTypeDef MPU6050_GetDeviceID(MPU_TypeDef *MPUx, uint8_t *ID, uint16_t Timeout);

/* ....................... Get Raw Value ....................... */
MPU_StatusTypeDef MPU6050_GetRawAccel(MPU_TypeDef *MPUx, MPU_RawTypeDef *AccelRaw, uint16_t Timeout);

MPU_StatusTypeDef MPU6050_GetRawGyro(MPU_TypeDef *MPUx, MPU_RawTypeDef *GyroRaw, uint16_t Timeout);

MPU_StatusTypeDef MPU6050_GetRawTemp(MPU_TypeDef *MPUx, int16_t *Temp, uint16_t Timeout);

/* ......................... Get Value ......................... */
MPU_StatusTypeDef MPU6050_GetAccel(MPU_TypeDef *MPUx, MPU_XYZTypeDef *Accel, uint16_t Timeout);

MPU_StatusTypeDef MPU6050_GetGyro(MPU_TypeDef *MPUx, MPU_XYZTypeDef *Gyro, uint16_t Timeout);

MPU_StatusTypeDef MPU6050_GetTemp(MPU_TypeDef *MPUx, float *Temp, uint16_t Timeout);

/* ................. Angle with accelerometer .................. */
MPU_StatusTypeDef MPU6050_GetRoll(MPU_TypeDef *MPUx, float *Roll, uint16_t Timeout);

MPU_StatusTypeDef MPU6050_GetPitch(MPU_TypeDef *MPUx, float *Pitch, uint16_t Timeout);

MPU_StatusTypeDef MPU6050_GetYaw(MPU_TypeDef *MPUx, float *Yaw, uint16_t Timeout);

MPU_StatusTypeDef MPU6050_GetRPY(MPU_TypeDef *MPUx, MPU_RPYTypeDef *RPY, uint16_t Timeout);


- None 

How to use this library

The MPU6050 library can be used as follows:

1. Add .h and source file in project.

2. Config I2C in 'i2c_unit_conf.h' for AVR, for example:

AVR Example:
/* -------------------- Define -------------------- */

#define _F_SCL      100000UL 
#define _PRESCALER  _PRE1 

    Guide :
  		  _F_SCL	   : Specifies the clock frequency.
  					  This parameter must be set to a value lower than 400kHz
  		  _PRESCALER : i2c prescaler value argument is
  					  _PRE1 , _PRE4 , _PRE16 , _PRE64

/* ------------------------------------------------ */

3. Config Chipset in 'mpu6050_conf.h' header, for example:

  • Options:

    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Required Headers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
    #include "MATH_EX/math_ex.h" // Don't remove this line
    /* Driver-library for AVR */
    //#include "I2C_UNIT/i2c_unit.h"
    /* Driver-library for STM32 */
    #include "STM32_I2C/stm32_i2c.h"
    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */

4. Using initialize methods for initialize hardware and chipset, for example:

MPU_TypeDef IMU1;

IMU1.I2Cx = &hi2c1; // For STM32
IMU1.Address = MPU_ADD_LOW;

MPU6050_AutoInit(&IMU1, 100);

5. Using operation methods, for example:

Example 1:

int main(void)
	/* ---------- MPU6050 Setup --------- */
	MPU_TypeDef    IMU1;
	MPU_XYZTypeDef AccData;
	MPU_XYZTypeDef GyroData;
	IMU1.I2Cx                       = &hi2c1;
	IMU1.Address                    = MPU_ADD_LOW;
	IMU1.SampleRateDivider          = MPU_CLOCK_DIVIDER_8;
	IMU1.DigitalLowPassFilter       = MPU_DLPF_CFG_5_HZ;
	IMU1.InterruptEnable            = MPU_INT_DATA_RDY_EN;
	IMU1.ExtSync                    = MPU_ES_INPUT_DISABLE;
	IMU1.InterruptConfig.IntOpen    = MPU_INT_OPEN_PUSH_PULL;
	IMU1.InterruptConfig.IntLevel   = MPU_INT_LEVEL_ACTIVE_HIGH;
	IMU1.InterruptConfig.LatchIntEn = MPU_LATCH_INT_EN_50US_PULSE;
	IMU1.GyroFullScaleRange         = MPU_GYRO_FULL_SCALE_RANGE_2000;
	IMU1.AccelFullScaleRange        = MPU_ACCEL_FULL_SCALE_RANGE_16G;
	IMU1.ClockSelection             = MPU_CLKSEL_X_AXIS_GYROSCOPE_REFERENCE; 
	MPU6050_Init(&IMU1, 100);
	/* Device Check */
	if (MPU6050_IsReady(&IMU1, 10, 100) == MPU_OK)
		HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart6, (uint8_t *)"Is Ready\r\n", strlen("Is Ready\r\n"), 100);
		HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart6, (uint8_t *)"Not Ready\r\n", strlen("Not Ready\r\n"), 100);
	while (1) 
		/* :::::::::: Read Sensor Data :::::::::: */
		MPU6050_GetAccel(&IMU1, &AccData, 100);
		MPU6050_GetGyro(&IMU1, &GyroData, 100);
		sprintf(msg ,"AX:%f,AY:%f,AZ:%f,GX:%f,GY:%f,GZ:%f\r\n", AccData.X, AccData.Y, AccData.Z, GyroData.X, GyroData.Y, GyroData.Z);
		HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart6, (uint8_t *)msg, strlen(msg), 100);

Supported Chipset:

  • MPU60X0 Series

Developer: Majid Derhambakhsh


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