MailboxValidator CodeIgniter Email Validation Package enables user to easily validate if an email address is valid, a type of disposable email or free email.
This package can be useful in many types of projects, for example
- to validate an user's email during sign up
- to clean your mailing list prior to email sending
- to perform fraud check
- and so on
Upload the libraries
folder to your CodeIgniter application
This package will only work with CodeIgniter 3. For CodeIgniter 4, you can get it from here.
An API key is required for this module to function.
Go to to sign up for FREE API plan and you'll be given an API key.
After you get your API key, open your application/config/config.php
and add the following line:
$config['mbv_api_key'] = 'PASTE_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE';
You can also set you api key in controller during calling library. Just do like this:
$params = array('mbv_api_key' => 'PASTE_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE');
Performs email validation on the supplied email address.
Field Name | Description |
email_address | The input email address. |
domain | The domain of the email address. |
is_free | Whether the email address is from a free email provider like Gmail or Hotmail. Return values: True, False |
is_syntax | Whether the email address is syntactically correct. Return values: True, False |
is_domain | Whether the email address has a valid MX record in its DNS entries. Return values: True, False, - (- means not applicable) |
is_smtp | Whether the mail servers specified in the MX records are responding to connections. Return values: True, False, - (- means not applicable) |
is_verified | Whether the mail server confirms that the email address actually exist. Return values: True, False, - (- means not applicable) |
is_server_down | Whether the mail server is currently down or unresponsive. Return values: True, False, - (- means not applicable) |
is_greylisted | Whether the mail server employs greylisting where an email has to be sent a second time at a later time. Return values: True, False, - (- means not applicable) |
is_disposable | Whether the email address is a temporary one from a disposable email provider. Return values: True, False, - (- means not applicable) |
is_suppressed | Whether the email address is in our blacklist. Return values: True, False, - (- means not applicable) |
is_role | Whether the email address is a role-based email address like or Return values: True, False, - (- means not applicable) |
is_high_risk | Whether the email address contains high risk keywords. Return values: True, False, - (- means not applicable) |
is_catchall | Whether the email address is a catch-all address. Return values: True, False, Unknown, - (- means not applicable) |
mailboxvalidator_score | Email address reputation score. Score > 0.70 means good; score > 0.40 means fair; score <= 0.40 means poor. |
time_taken | The time taken to get the results in seconds. |
status | Whether our system think the email address is valid based on all the previous fields. Return values: True, False |
credits_available | The number of credits left to perform validations. |
error_code | The error code if there is any error. See error table in the below section. |
error_message | The error message if there is any error. See error table in the below section. |
Check whether the email address is belongs to a disposable email provider or not. Return Values: True, False
Check whether the email address is belongs to a free email provider or not. Return Values: True, False
To use this library in form validation, first create a new file under application/libraries
called MY_Form_validation.php
After that, copy the following sample code into MY_Form_validation.php
if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class MY_Form_validation extends CI_Form_validation {
protected $CI;
public function __construct(){
$this->CI = &get_instance();
public function disposable($email) {
if ($this->CI->mailboxvalidator->isDisposableEmail($email) == true) {
// If is_email_disposable return true, means the email is disposable email
return false;
} else {
return true;
public function free($email) {
if ($this->CI->mailboxvalidator->isFreeEmail($email) == true) {
// If is_email_free return true, means the email is free email
return false;
} else {
return true;
Next, in your form controller, add the function name into the set_rules
array. For example, if you want to use the disposable
function to validate email, just add the disposable
into the set_rules
array. A sample code is displayed at below:
class Register extends CI_Controller
public function __construct()
public function index()
$data['username'] = $this->input->post('username');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'required');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('password', 'Password', 'required');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('passconf', 'Password Confirmation', 'required');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('email', 'Email', 'required|disposable', array('disposable' => 'A disposable email address is detected.'));
if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE)
Noted that you will be required to add a custom error message for it. Now you can open your form and try to enter a disposable email address to see the outcome. The form should return the error message for the disposable email.
To use this library to get validation result for an email address, firstly load the library in your controller like this:
After that, you can get the validation result for the email address like this:
$result = $this->mailboxvalidator->getSingleResult('');
To pass the result to the view, just simply add the $result to your view loader like this:
And then in your view file, call the validation results. For example:
echo $email_address;
You can refer the full list of response parameters at above table.
error_code | error_message |
100 | Missing parameter. |
101 | API key not found. |
102 | API key disabled. |
103 | API key expired. |
104 | Insufficient credits. |
105 | Unknown error. |
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