The second release of bridgekeeper, a policy engine for Kubernetes, with cool new features:
- Policies can now mutate the objects they are checking. This is done by modifying the object structure in the python rule code, no need to generate JSONPatches
- Audit mode to periodically check existing objects
- Enforcement can be disabled for single policies (very useful when introducing a new policy to inform users about a policy violation without directly rejecting objects)
- Policies can now send warnings to the applying user even when accepting the object
- Strict admission mode can be enabled that rejects all objects when bridgekeeper is not available (by default kubernetes will allow an object if the admission webhook cannot be reached)
- Technical refactoring to bring Rust dependencies up-to-date and make bridgekeeper more resilient
Bridgekeeper can be easily installed via helm, see the project README for details.
If you have already installed v0.1.0, please completely uninstall it and then reinstall as the Custom Resource has been renamed from Constraint to Policy and helm installation/upgrade behaviour has been changed.