This bot is not available for invite.
Xiao is a Discord bot coded in JavaScript with discord.js using the Commando command framework. With over 300 commands, she is one of the most feature-rich bots out there.
- Make sure you have installed Node.js >=10 and Git.
- Clone this repository with
git clone
. - Run
cd xiao
to move into the folder that you just created.
- Open an ADMIN POWERSHELL window and run
npm i -g --production windows-build-tools
. - Download ffmpeg and add it to path.
- Follow these instructions to install the dependencies for
. - Run
npm i --production
in the folder you cloned the bot. - Run
npm i -g pm2
to install PM2. - Run
pm2 start Xiao.js --name xiao
to run the bot.
- Use a real (cheaper!) OS to host your bot.
- ???
- Profit.
- Run
apt update
. - Run
apt upgrade
to install the latest dependencies of your distro. - Run
apt install ffmpeg
to install ffmpeg. - Run
apt install python
to install python. - Follow these instructions to install the dependencies for
. - Run
npm i --production
in the folder you cloned the bot. - Run
npm i -g pm2
to install PM2. - Run
pm2 start Xiao.js --name xiao
to run the bot.
- eval: Executes JavaScript code.
- changelog: Responds with the bot's latest 10 commits.
- donate: Responds with the bot's donation links.
- help: Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specific command.
- info: Responds with detailed bot information.
- invite: Responds with the bot's invite links.
- ping: Checks the bot's ping to the Discord server.
- avatar: Responds with a user's avatar.
- channel: Responds with detailed information on a channel.
- discriminator: Searches for other users with a certain discriminator.
- emoji-image: Responds with an emoji's full-scale image.
- emoji-list: Responds with a list of the server's custom emoji.
- emoji: Responds with detailed information on an emoji.
- first-message: Responds with the first message ever sent to a channel.
- id: Responds with a user's ID.
- message-source: Responds with a codeblock containing a message's contents.
- message: Responds with detailed information on a message.
- role: Responds with detailed information on a role.
- server: Responds with detailed information on the server.
- user: Responds with detailed information on a user.
- 8-ball: Asks your question to the Magic 8 Ball.
- advice: Responds with a random bit of advice.
- bird: Responds with a random image of a bird.
- cat-fact: Responds with a random cat fact.
- cat: Responds with a random cat image.
- charlie-charlie: Asks your question to Charlie.
- choose: Chooses between options you provide.
- chuck-norris: Responds with a random Chuck Norris joke.
- coin: Flips a coin.
- compliment: Compliments a user.
- dog-fact: Responds with a random dog fact.
- dog: Responds with a random dog image.
- draw-cards: Draws a random hand of playing cards.
- duck: Responds with a random duck image.
- fact-core: Responds with a random Fact Core quote.
- fact: Responds with a random fact.
- fidget: Responds with a random image of Fidget.
- fortune: Responds with a random fortune.
- fox: Responds with a random fox image.
- github-zen: Responds with a random GitHub design philosophy.
- joke: Responds with a random joke.
- karen: Responds with a random image of Karen.
- kiss-marry-kill: Determines who to kiss, who to marry, and who to kill.
- magic-conch: Asks your question to the Magic Conch.
- meme: Responds with a random meme.
- name: Responds with a random name, with the gender of your choice.
- number-fact: Responds with a random fact about a specific number.
- offspring: Determines if your new child will be a boy or a girl.
- opinion: Determines the opinion on something.
- oracle-turret: Responds with a random Oracle Turret quote.
- pun: Responds with a random pun.
- quantum-coin: Flips a coin that lands on some form of nothing.
- quote: Responds with a random quote.
- random-user: Randomly chooses a member of the server.
- rate: Rates something.
- roast: Roasts a user.
- roll: Rolls a dice with a maximum value of your choice.
- security-key: Responds with a random security key.
- shiba: Responds with a random image of a Shiba Inu.
- shower-thought: Responds with a random shower thought, directly from r/Showerthoughts.
- subreddit: Responds with a random post from a subreddit.
- suggest-command: Suggests a random command for you to try.
- superpower: Responds with a random superpower.
- this-for-that: So, basically, it's like a bot command for this dumb meme.
- would-you-rather: Responds with a random "Would you rather ...?" question.
- xiao: Responds with a random image of Xiao Pai.
- can-you-not: Can YOU not?
- dark-light: Determines whether you use dark or light theme.
- eat-pant: Eat pant.
- eggs-get-laid: Sends the ultimate roast.
- fly: Sends a fake fly that looks surprisngly real.
- give-flower: Gives Xiao Pai a flower.
- hi: Hello.
- isnt-joke: Isn't joke...
- its-joke: It's joke!
- just-do-it: Sends a link to the "Just Do It!" motivational speech.
- lenny: Responds with the lenny face.
- spam: Responds with a picture of Spam.
- tableflip: Flips a table... With animation!
- wynaut: Why not? Wynaut?
- yoff: Posts a picture that truly defines modern art.
- apod: Responds with today's Astronomy Picture of the Day.
- calendar: Responds with today's holidays.
- days-until: Responds with how many days there are until a certain date.
- doomsday-clock: Responds with the current time of the Doomsday Clock.
- google-doodle: Responds with a Google Doodle, either the latest one or a random one from the past.
- horoscope: Responds with today's horoscope for a specific Zodiac sign.
- humble-bundle: Responds with the current Humble Bundle.
- is-tuesday: Determines if today is Tuesday.
- neko-atsume-password: Responds with today's Neko Atsume password.
- time: Responds with the current time in a particular location.
- today-in-history: Responds with an event that occurred today in history.
- word-of-the-day: Responds with today's word of the day.
- anime: Searches AniList for your query, getting anime results.
- azur-lane: Responds with information on an Azur Lane ship.
- book: Searches Google Books for a book.
- bulbapedia: Searches Bulbapedia for your query.
- character: Searches AniList for your query, getting character results.
- danbooru: Responds with an image from Danbooru, with optional query.
- define: Defines a word.
- derpibooru: Responds with an image from Derpibooru.
- deviantart: Responds with an image from a DeviantArt section, with optional query.
- docs: Searches the Discord.js docs for your query.
- eshop: Searches the Nintendo eShop for your query.
- esrb: Searches ESRB for your query.
- flickr: Searches Flickr for your query.
- giphy: Searches Giphy for your query.
- github: Responds with information on a GitHub repository.
- google-autofill: Responds with a list of the Google Autofill results for a particular query.
- google: Searches Google for your query.
- gravatar: Responds with the Gravatar for an email.
- http-cat: Responds with a cat for an HTTP status code.
- http-dog: Responds with a dog for an HTTP status code.
- imgur: Searches Imgur for your query.
- itunes: Searches iTunes for your query.
- jisho: Defines a word, but with Japanese.
- kickstarter: Searches Kickstarter for your query.
- know-your-meme: Searches Know Your Meme for your query.
- konachan: Responds with an image from Konachan, with optional query.
- league-of-legends: Responds with information on a League of Legends champion.
- manga: Searches AniList for your query, getting manga results.
- map: Responds with a map of a specific location.
- mayo-clinic: Searches Mayo Clinic for your query.
- mdn: Searches MDN for your query.
- movie: Searches TMDB for your query, getting movie results.
- nasa: Searches NASA's image archive for your query.
- neopet: Responds with the image of a specific Neopet.
- neopets-item: Responds with information on a specific Neopets item.
- npm: Responds with information on an NPM package.
- osu: Responds with information on an osu! user.
- periodic-table: Finds an element on the periodic table.
- pokedex: Searches the Pokédex for a Pokémon.
- recipe: Searches for recipes based on your query.
- reddit: Responds with information on a Reddit user.
- rotten-tomatoes: Searches Rotten Tomatoes for your query.
- rule: Responds with a rule of the internet.
- safebooru: Responds with an image from Safebooru, with optional query.
- soundcloud: Searches SoundCloud for your query.
- stack-overflow: Searches Stack Overflow for your query.
- steam: Searches Steam for your query.
- stocks: Responds with the current stocks for a specific symbol.
- tenor: Searches Tenor for your query.
- tumblr: Responds with information on a Tumblr blog.
- tv-show: Searches TMDB for your query, getting TV show results.
- twitter: Responds with information on a Twitter user.
- urban: Defines a word, but with Urban Dictionary.
- visual-novel: Responds with information on a Visual Novel.
- vocadb: Searches VocaDB for your query.
- wattpad: Searches Wattpad for your query.
- weather: Responds with weather information for a specific location.
- wikia: Searches a specific Wikia wiki for your query.
- wikihow: Searches Wikihow for your query.
- wikipedia: Searches Wikipedia for your query.
- xkcd: Responds with an XKCD comic, either today's, a random one, or a specific one.
- youtube: Searches YouTube for your query.
- yu-gi-oh: Responds with info on a Yu-Gi-Oh! card.
- age: Responds with how old someone born in a certain year is.
- butt: Determines a user's butt quality.
- character-count: Responds with the character count of text.
- chinese-zodiac: Responds with the Chinese Zodiac Sign for the given year.
- coolness: Determines a user's coolness.
- dick: Determines your dick size.
- gender: Determines the gender of a name.
- guess-looks: Guesses what a user looks like.
- iq: Determines a user's IQ.
- psycho-pass: Determines your Crime Coefficient.
- read-qr-code: Reads a QR Code.
- scrabble-score: Responds with the scrabble score of a word.
- severe-toxicity: Determines the toxicity of text, but less sensitive to milder language.
- ship: Ships two users together.
- toxicity: Determines the toxicity of text.
- what-anime: Determines what anime a screenshot is from.
- zodiac-sign: Responds with the Zodiac Sign for the given month/day.
- akinator: Think about a real or fictional character, I will try to guess who it is.
- balloon-pop: Don't let yourself be the last one to pump the balloon before it pops!
- battle: Engage in a turn-based battle against another user or the AI.
- blackjack: Play a game of blackjack.
- box-choosing: Do you believe that there are choices in life? Taken from Higurashi Chapter 4.
- captcha: Try to guess what the captcha says.
- chance: Attempt to win with a 1 in 1000 (or your choice) chance of winning.
- doors: Open the right door, and you win the money! Make the wrong choice, and you get the fire!
- emoji-emoji-revolution: Can you type arrow emoji faster than anyone else has ever typed them before?
- fishy: Go fishing.
- google-feud: Attempt to determine the top suggestions for a Google search.
- gunfight: Engage in a western gunfight against another user. High noon.
- hangman: Prevent a man from being hanged by guessing a word as fast as you can.
- hunger-games: Simulate a Hunger Games match with up to 24 tributes.
- lottery: Attempt to win the lottery with 6 numbers.
- mafia: Who is the Mafia? Who is the doctor? Who is the detective? Will the Mafia kill them all?
- math-quiz: See how fast you can answer a math problem in a given time limit.
- quiz-duel: Answer a series of quiz questions against an opponent.
- quiz: Answer a quiz question.
- rock-paper-scissors: Play Rock-Paper-Scissors.
- roulette: Play a game of roulette.
- slots: Play a game of slots.
- sorting-hat: Take a quiz to determine your Hogwarts house.
- tic-tac-toe: Play a game of tic-tac-toe with another user.
- typing-test: See how fast you can type a sentence in a given time limit.
- whos-that-pokemon: Guess who that Pokémon is.
- wizard-convention: Who is the Dragon? Who is the healer? Who is the mind reader? Will the Dragon eat them all?
- word-chain: Try to come up with words that start with the last letter of your opponent's word.
- dec-talk: The world's best Text-to-Speech.
- leave-voice-channel: Leaves a voice channel, in case the bot gets stuck.
- soundboard: Plays a sound in your voice channel.
- achievement: Sends a Minecraft achievement with the text of your choice.
- approved: Draws an "approved" stamp over an image or a user's avatar.
- be-like-bill: Sends a "Be Like Bill" meme with the name of your choice.
- brazzers: Draws an image with the Brazzers logo in the corner.
- circle: Draws an image or a user's avatar as a circle.
- color: Sends an image of the color you choose.
- contrast: Draws an image or a user's avatar but with contrast.
- create-qr-code: Converts text to a QR Code.
- demotivational: Draws an image or a user's avatar and the text you specify as a demotivational poster.
- distort: Draws an image or a user's avatar but distorted.
- fire: Draws a fiery border over an image or a user's avatar.
- frame: Draws a frame around an image or a user's avatar.
- glitch: Draws an image or a user's avatar but glitched.
- greyscale: Draws an image or a user's avatar in greyscale.
- gru-plan: Sends a Gru's Plan meme with steps of your choice.
- ifunny: Draws an image with the iFunny logo.
- illegal: Makes President Trump make your text illegal.
- invert: Draws an image or a user's avatar but inverted.
- kyon-gun: Draws an image or a user's avatar behind Kyon shooting a gun.
- meme-gen: Sends a meme with the text and background of your choice.
- minecraft-skin: Sends the Minecraft skin for a user.
- needs-more-jpeg: Draws an image or a user's avatar as a low quality JPEG.
- new-password: Sends a "Weak Password/Strong Password" meme with the passwords of your choice.
- nike-ad: Sends a "Believe in Something" Nike Ad meme with the text of your choice.
- osu-signature: Creates a card based on an osu! user's stats.
- pixelize: Draws an image or a user's avatar pixelized.
- pokemon-fusion: Fuses two Generation I Pokémon together.
- rainbow: Draws a rainbow over an image or a user's avatar.
- rejected: Draws a "rejected" stamp over an image or a user's avatar.
- robohash: Creates a robot based on the text you provide.
- sepia: Draws an image or a user's avatar in sepia.
- shields-io-badge: Creates a badge from
- silhouette: Draws a silhouette of an image or a user's avatar.
- sora-selfie: Draws an image or a user's avatar behind Sora taking a selfie.
- square: Draws an image or a user's avatar as a square.
- thug-life: Draws "Thug Life" over an image or a user's avatar.
- tint: Draws an image or a user's avatar but tinted a specific color.
- to-be-continued: Draws an image with the "To Be Continued..." arrow.
- vietnam-flashbacks: Edits Vietnam flashbacks behind an image or a user's avatar.
- 3000-years: Draws a user's avatar over Pokémon's "It's been 3000 years" meme.
- avatar-fusion: Draws a a user's avatar over a user's avatar.
- beautiful: Draws a user's avatar over Gravity Falls' "Oh, this? This is beautiful." meme.
- bob-ross: Draws a user's avatar over Bob Ross' canvas.
- challenger: Draws a user's avatar over Super Smash Bros.'s "Challenger Approaching" screen.
- dexter: Draws a user's avatar over the screen of Dexter from Pokémon.
- distracted-boyfriend: Draws three user's avatars over the "Distracted Boyfriend" meme.
- drakeposting: Draws two user's avatars over the "Drakeposting" meme.
- food-broke: Draws a user's avatar over the "Food Broke" meme.
- girl-worth-fighting-for: Draws a user's avatar as the object of Ling's affection.
- hat: Draws a hat over a user's avatar.
- he-lives-in-you: Draws a user's avatar over Simba from The Lion King's reflection.
- hearts: Draws hearts around a user's avatar.
- i-have-the-power: Draws a user's avatar over He-Man's face.
- look-at-this-photograph: Draws a user's avatar over Nickelback's photograph.
- look-what-karen-have: Draws a user's avatar over Karen's piece of paper.
- rip: Draws a user's avatar over a gravestone.
- sip: Draws a user's avatar sipping tea.
- steam-card: Draws a user's avatar on a Steam Trading Card.
- steam-now-playing: Draws a user's avatar and the game of your choice over a Steam "now playing" notification.
- triggered: Draws a user's avatar over the "Triggered" meme.
- ultimate-tattoo: Draws a user's avatar as "The Ultimate Tattoo".
- wanted: Draws a user's avatar over a wanted poster.
- worthless: Draws a user's avatar over Gravity Falls' "Oh, this? This is worthless." meme.
- yu-gi-oh-token: Draws a user's avatar over a blank Yu-Gi-Oh! Token card.
- base64: Converts text to/from Base64.
- binary: Converts text to binary.
- braille: Converts text to braille.
- brony-speak: Converts text to brony speak.
- clap: Sends 👏 text 👏 like 👏 this.
- cow-say: Makes a cow say your text.
- cursive: Converts text to cursive.
- dvorak: Converts text to Dvorak encoding.
- embed: Sends text in an embed.
- emojify: Converts text to emoji form.
- fancy: Converts text to fancy letters.
- hex: Converts text to hex.
- latlmes: Creates a Latlmes fake link that redirects to a rickroll.
- lmgtfy: Creates a LMGTFY link with the query you provide.
- lowercase: Converts text to lowercase.
- md5: Creates a hash of text with the MD5 algorithm.
- mocking: SenDs TexT lIkE ThiS.
- morse: Converts text to morse code.
- nobody-name: Converts a name into the Organization XIII style.
- owo: OwO.
- pig-latin: Converts text to pig latin.
- pirate: Converts text to pirate.
- portal-send: Send a message to a portal channel.
- repeat: Repeat text over and over and over and over (etc).
- reverse: Reverses text.
- say: Make me say what you want, master.
- sha-1: Creates a hash of text with the SHA-1 algorithm.
- sha-256: Creates a hash of text with the SHA-256 algorithm.
- ship-name: Creates a ship name from two names.
- shorten-url: Creates a short URL from another URL.
- shuffle: Shuffles text.
- snake-speak: Convertsssss text to sssssnake ssssspeak.
- spoiler-letter: Sends text with each and every character as an individual spoiler.
- superscript: Converts text to tiny text.
- tebahpla: Reverses the alphabet of text.
- temmie: Converts text to Temmie speak.
- translate: Translates text to a specific language.
- unspoiler: Removes all spoilers from text.
- uppercase: Converts text to uppercase.
- upside-down: Flips text upside-down.
- url-encode: Encodes text to URL-friendly characters.
- webhook: Posts a message to the webhook defined in the bot owner's
. - yoda: Converts text to Yoda speak.
- zalgo: Converts text to zalgo.
- currency: Converts currency from one currency to another.
- final-grade: Determines the grade you need to make on your final to get your desired course grade.
- grade: Determines your grade on an assignment on an 100-point scale.
- gravity: Determines weight on another planet.
- math: Evaluates a math expression.
- prime: Determines if a number is a prime number.
- roman: Converts a number to roman numerals.
- scientific-notation: Converts a number to scientific notation.
- units: Converts units to/from other units.
- prune: Deletes up to 99 messages from the current channel.
- strawpoll: Generates a Strawpoll with the options you provide.
- blush: Blushes at a user.
- bro-hoof: Gives a user a bro hoof.
- eat: Feeds a user.
- fist-bump: Fist-bumps a user.
- high-five: High Fives a user.
- hold-hands: Holds hands with a user.
- hug: Hugs a user.
- kill: Kills a user.
- kiss: Kisses a user.
- pat: Pats a user.
- poke: Pokes a user.
- punch: Punches a user.
- slap: Slaps a user.
- sleep: Puts a user to sleep.
- wake-up: Wakes up a user.
- wave: Waves at a user.
- wink: Winks at a user.
The bot is licensed under the GPL 3.0 license. See the file LICENSE
for more
information. If you plan to use any part of this source code in your own bot, I
would be grateful if you would include some form of credit somewhere.