- This application is made to manage a library.
- New people can register in library and login.
- Users can see list of books , rent a book or return.
- Librarians can add or remove a book , add or remove an user or add or remove another librarian.
- Users can search in books or see any book exists or not.
- I Fork this repository and clone the fork to my local machine ,Created a new Git branch before starting my work.
- Complete the classes by adding the required parameters and implementing the predefined functions:
- In the
function of the Main class, Implement an interactive menu in the command line that allows:- Users to login, logout, borrow and return books
- Librarians to login, logout, add or delete books
- This program's menu allows new Users to create an account by providing a username and a password. Prevent new users choosing a previously taken username. Authenticate each user before logging in
- This program keeps a list of all users (and the books they've borrowed), all librarians, and all books
- Commit my changes and merge my branch into
. Pushed my commits to my own fork on Github
- This code compile and run without any errors
- This code be well-organized, readable, properly commented and follows clean code principles
- This code follow OOP principles and correctly used Java access modifiers
- This code use Git for version control and include meaningful commit messages