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Frontend Mentor - Hangman game solution

This is a solution to the Hangman game challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents

My process

🚧 Tests not yet finished.

Built with

  • TailwindCSS - Styles
  • Nuxtjs - Vue framework
  • Pinia - State manager
  • Cypress with cucumber (for using GHERKIN) - Integration tests
  • Vitest - Unit tests

What I learned

During this project, I learned how to use Nuxt.js, as it was my first project using Vue.js framework. I discovered the structure that Nuxt.js provides for building scalable Vue applications. Additionally, I gained experience in integrating Pinia for state management, and Cypress with Cucumber for integration testing. Overall, this project was a great learning experience for me in Vue.js ecosystem and frontend development.

Info: The code has been over-engineered to allow me to learn things in Nuxtjs.