Pokemon Shuffle Save Editor - Allows for the editing of most of the interesting parts of exported Pokemon Shuffle savegames.
- Export a Pokemon Shuffle savefile onto your computer and open it in PSSE using the "Open savedata.bin" button.
- Edit stuff using incredibly user-friendly GUI 👍
- Save using the "Save savedata.bin" button and inject that modified savefile back into your game.
- You can use Tab key to quickly navigate between controls.
- Double-click Filepath field to "eject" your save from PSSE and restore its windows to its original state (your edits won't be saved).
Owned Pokemon
- Left-click one of the Team icons to quickly access that pokemon.
- Right-click a Team icon, then another, to switch the pokemons in these slots.
- Ctrl+clic a Team icon to insert current active pokemon into that slot.
- Click Main pokemon icon to switch between : Caught pokemon w/ everything maxxed out or Uncaught.
- Click Skill+ sprite to switch between : Min or Max skill level for that pokemon.
- Click Lollipop sprite to switch between : Min or Max lollipops and corresponding level for that pokemon.
- Click SpeedUps sprites to switch between : Min or Max speedUps given to corresponding mega.
- Left-click Stages icons to circle through ranks for that stage (S > A > B > C > S...).
- Right-click Stages icons to switch between : Completed or Uncompleted stage.
- Click "Checked" sprite to switch between : Safe or Unsafe mode.
- In safe mode :
- uncompleting a stage auto-uncompletes every stage that's after it (resets highscores & ranks),
- completing a stage auto-completes every stage that's before it.
- In unsafe mode, all of these are disabled.
- When completing a stage or changing its rank, your highscore will be updated if it's below the minimum requirements for that rank.
Bulk Edits
- Hover your mose above the buttons for a more detailled description of what it does.
- Most of the buttons can be Ctrl+clicked to apply a different value than the default one.