Authentication service for Madek.
To generate a key pair:
openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out tmp/key.pem
openssl ec -in tmp/key.pem -pubout -out tmp/public.pem
Optionally protecd the private key with a password:
openssl ec -in tmp/key.pem -out key-protected.pem -aes256 -passin 'pass:MYSECRET'
The server takes an optional argument '--passwords-path' to a YAML encode file with pairs of key and password. The key must be equal to id of the authentication-system.
- linux, MacOS
- asdf-vm
Run the backend service:
./bin/clj-dev server
Start frontend watch compilation:
Start stylesheet watch compilation:
Start test authentication system:
Run a test:
./bin/rspec 'spec/features/sign-in_sign-out/external-auth_spec.rb'
- OTP-library
Madek is (C) Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (Zurich University of the Arts).
Madek is Free Software under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v3, see the included LICENSE file for license details.
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