I am a freelancer. As a freelancer, I need to be able to set my hourly rate in my dashboard. ✅ As a freelancer, I need to be able to log time against a project. ✅ As a freelancer, I need to be able to create projects to log time against. ✅ As a freelancer, I need to be able to set a total amount of time a project has been quoted for. ✅ As a freelancer, I need to be able to see how much total time I have spent against the project. ✅ As a freelancer, I need to receive alerts once I am reaching the threshold for a project. 50% time taken. 80% time taken. ✅ As a freelancer, I need to be able to set milestones. Mark a project as 50% complete, 80% complete, etc. ✅
Account System (Laravel)
- Tests ✅
- UI ✅ Projects
- Tests ✅
- UI ✅ Time Tracking
- Tests ✅
- UI ✅ Notifications
- Tests ✅
- UI
TDD Laravel VueJS