If you use these scripts, please cite:
Robert Seymour. (2019, September 13).
Macquarie-MEG-Research/MQ_MEG_Scripts: v0.1 for Zenodo (Version v0.1zenodo).
For more information about the lab please visit the website. Warning: use these scripts at your own risk - some have not been fully tested!
For a tutorial on how to use the NEW stucture sensor for Head Position Indication and MEG-MRI coregistration please see this Google Doc
- Preprocessing
- Event-Related Fields
- Time-Frequency Analysis
- MEG-MRI Coregistration
- Source Analysis with Beamformers
- Whole-Brain Source Statistics
- Working with MEG Data from 125-Channel Child Scanner
Various parcellations for MEG source analysis are available at Macquarie-MEG-Research/MQ_MEG_parcel.
Please contribute your MATLAB (or Python) scripts to this repository by submitting a pull request and/or emailing scripts to Robert Seymour, Paul Sowman or Wei He.
It is advised you also include some information about the function along the lines of the code snippet below. Also include a WARNING in your code if it is still under development.
% function_name: a function to do...
% Some more information
% Author: Mr MEG (mr.MEG@mq.edu.au)
% Inputs:
% - input_1 = ...
% - input_2 = ...
% Outputs:
% - output_1 = ...