This is an app that will record the length of time it takes a user to pass a typing test.There will be a provided test and an input box for the user to type out and must match exactly what was provided to pass the test and stop the timer.
- Text area for users to input text.
- Automatic timer that begins when you type first letter
- Automatic time stop when you successfully match provided text
- Color highlighters to give you hints if you are matching or not
SpeedTest is very simplistic and currently uses the following tech:
- HTML - For building the content of app
- JavaScript - For the interaction of the app
- CSS - For the presentation layer of app
- vscode - Text editor used in development of app
- dillinger - Markdown editor and template
$ git clone
- Write some test cases for app
- Add a script to auto fetch random text for the speed test
- Add feature to do custom upload of text