AlertEasily Easy to show UIAlertController, written in Swift. Cocoapods 1. Add the following line to your Podfile: platform :ios, '8.0' target 'YourIosApps' do use_frameworks! pod 'AlertEasily', '~> 1.0.0' end 2. Then, run the following command: $ pod install Carthage 1、run the following command: $ touch Cartfile 2、Add the following line to your Cartfile: github "MZC0829/AlertEasily" 3、run the following command: $ carthage update Requirements iOS 8.0+ swift 3+ and swift 4 Usage - just like showAlert(title: "This is AlertEasily") - or showAlert(title: "AlertEasily", message: "This is AlertEasily", preferredStyle: .alert, defaultHandler: { print("clicked default action") }, cancelHandler: nil) - or showAlert(title: "AlertEasily", message: "This is AlertEasily", preferredStyle: .alert, defaultHandler: { print("clicked default action") }) { print("clicked cancel action") }