MindPeace Web Application is designed to help you track all your habits. Each logged in user can create and manage multiple types of trackers(like running, sleeping ,etc) and keep a note of your daily life.. The user can access all different habits from the dashboard and can add more logs to it , add more trackers, and view their progress .
- flask {for application framework} • Flask • url_for • render_template • redirect • request
- Flask_SQLAlchemy
- Bootstrap
- Matplotlib{for plotting graphs}
- Datetime{for timestamp}
1. User Table
Column | Data type | Constraints | Description |
id | Integer | Primary key | User Id |
username | String(30) | Unique , not null | User Name |
password | String (30) | Not null | Password |
2. Trackers
Column | Data type | Constraints | Description |
id | Integer | Primary Key | Id |
name | String(30) | Not null | Tracker Name |
description | String(100) | - | Description of tracker type |
last_update | DateTime | Not null | When was tracker last updated |
user_id | Integer | Foreign Key from User | User Id Table, Not Null |
3. Logs
Column | Data type | Constraints | Description |
id | Integer | Primary Key | Id |
when | DateTime | - | When was this log added |
value | Float | Not null | Value that we want to add in log |
notes | String | - | Any remarks about the log |
tracker_id | Integer | Foreign Key from tracker Table | Tracker id |
The main control of the application is in file ‘main.py’.
The template folder contains all the html files.
The static folder contains css style sheets and the ‘images‘ folder which contains images used in the project.
‘trackdb.sqlite3’ contains the database.