ComboFly is an open source plugin and is made for PocketMine-MP 4.x.x.
It is currently upgrading from PM3 to PM4.
Install the file named ComboFly.phar
in the/home/plugins/
folder, you can download this file from Poggit.
Name: /combofly
- /cf
Command | Description | Permission |
/combofly help | Get help on the sub-commands. | No permission. |
/combofly join | Join the arena by means of a command. | combofly.command.join.with.command |
/combofly setarena | Set where players appear in the arena. | combofly.command.setarena |
/combofly setlobby | Set where players appear when exiting the arena. | combofly.command.setlobby |
/combofly setkit | Configure the kit with which the players appear in the arena (The kit will be configured with your inventory). | combofly.command.setkit |
/combofly setjoin | Put the JoinNPC in your current location. | combofly.command.setjoin |
/combofly removejoin | Remove the JoinNPC (Hit it). | combofly.command.removejoin |
/combofly debug | Get the information you need to report a bug on github (It only runs from the console). | No permission. |
Permission | Description |
combofly.* | Allow to players use all ComboFly features. |
combofly.command.join.with.command | Allows join the arena by means of a command. |
combofly.command.setarena | Allows set where players appear in the arena. |
combofly.command.setlobby | Allows set where players appear when exiting the arena. |
combofly.command.setkit | Allows configure the kit with which the players appear in the arena. |
combofly.command.setjoin | Allows put the JoinNPC in your current location. |
combofly.command.removejoin | Allows remove the JoinNPC. |
Tag | Description |
{player_kills} | Shows the number of player kills. |
{player_deaths} | Shows the number of player deaths. |
{player_ping} | Shows the current ping of the player. |
{player_display_name} | Shows the name that the player has to display. |
{player_real_name} | Shows the real username of the player. |
{playing} | Shows the number of players currently in the arena. |
{spectating} | Shows the number of spectators currently in the arena. |
{total_players} | Shows the total number of spectators and players currently in the arena. |
Tag | Description |
{playing} | Shows the number of players currently in the arena. |
{spectating} | Shows the number of spectators currently in the arena. |
{total_players} | Shows the total number of spectators and players currently in the arena. |
{arena_status} | Shows the status of the arena, this will return either 'Online' or 'Offline'. |
List |
Fully customizable |
Spectator mode |
Economy Integration |
Scoreboard Support |
Saves Players by UUID |
Json Provider Support |
UI |
Join NPC |
Custom Kit |
List |
SQLite3 Support |
MySQL Support |
Tops Floating Text |
UI configuration menus |
List of libraries used in this plugin.
Note: All libraries are already integrated so you don't have to do extra installations.
- Set up the arena
use combofly\Arena; /* Class in which the API methods are.*/
use pocketmine\world\Position;
use pocketmine\Server;
$arena = Arena::getInstance(); /* Getting the instance of the object. */
$world = Server::getInstance()->getWorldManager()->getWorldByName("ComboFlyArena"); /* Object with instance of `pocketmine\world\World`. */
$pos = new Position(0, 100, 0 $world); /* Object instantiated to `pocketmine\world\Position`. */
$arena->setArena($pos); /* Set the position in which players will appear in the arena. */
- Set up the lobby
use combofly\Arena; /* Class in which the API methods are.*/
use pocketmine\world\Position;
use pocketmine\Server;
$arena = Arena::getInstance(); /* Getting the instance of the object. */
$world = Server::getInstance()->getWorldManager()->getDefaultWorld(); /* Object with instance of `pocketmine\world\World`. */
$pos = new Position(0, 100, 0 $world); /* Object instantiated to `pocketmine\world\Position`. */
$arena->setLobby($pos); /* Sets the position players will appear in when they exit the arena. */
- Known if arena or lobby is loaded
use combofly\Arena; /* Class in which the API methods are.*/
$arena = Arena::getInstance(); /* Getting the instance of the object. */
/* Returns `true` if it is loaded and` false` if not. */
$isArenaLoaded = $arena->isArenaLoaded();
$isLobbyLoaded = $arena->isLobbyLoaded();
- Add players or spectators to the arena
use combofly\Arena; /* Class in which the API methods are.*/
use pocketmine\Server;
$arena = Arena::getInstance(); /* Getting the instance of the object. */
$player = Server::getInstance()->getPlayerExact("MXJosuepro033"); /* Player to add. */
/* This adds the player to the arena. */
- Remove players or spectators to the arena
use combofly\Arena; /* Class in which the API methods are.*/
use pocketmine\Server;
$arena = Arena::getInstance(); /* Getting the instance of the object. */
$player = Server::getInstance()->getPlayerExact("MXJosuepro033"); /* Player to remove. */
/* This remove the player to the arena. */
- Know if a player is a player or a spectator in the arena
use combofly\Arena; /* Class in which the API methods are.*/
use pocketmine\Server;
$arena = Arena::getInstance(); /* Getting the instance of the object. */
$player = Server::getInstance()->getPlayerExact("MXJosuepro033"); /* Player. */
/* This returns `true` if it is and` false` if not. */
- Get the list of players, spectators, or all players
use combofly\Arena; /* Class in which the API methods are.*/
$arena = Arena::getInstance(); /* Getting the instance of the object. */
$players = $arena->getPlayers(); /* Returns an array with the list of players. */
$spectators = $arena->getSpectators(); /* Returns an array with the list of spectators. */
$all = $arena->getAllPlayers(); /* Returns an array with the list of players and spectators. */
- Set up the players kit when entering the arena
use combofly\Arena; /* Class in which the API methods are.*/
$arena = Arena::getInstance(); /* Getting the instance of the object. */
$player = Server::getInstance()->getPlayerExact("MXJosuepro033"); /* From this variable the Inventory and the Armor Inventory are obtained. */
$arena->setKit($player); /* This sets up the arena kit. */
- Give the arena kit to a player
use combofly\Arena; /* Class in which the API methods are.*/
$arena = Arena::getInstance(); /* Getting the instance of the object. */
$player = Server::getInstance()->getPlayerExact("MXJosuepro033"); /* Player to give the kit. */
$arena->giveKit($player); /* This resets the player's inventory and gives him the items. */
- Broadcast Message
use combofly\Arena; /* Class in which the API methods are.*/
$arena = Arena::getInstance(); /* Getting the instance of the object. */
/* The second parameter is the type of message to send, you can find the types
in `combofly\Arena` or this is the list:
- POPUP */
$arena->broadcast("Your message here.", Arena::MESSAGE); /* Global message to players and spectators in the arena. */
- Get Kills, Deaths and PlayerData of Player
use combofly\Arena; /* Class in which the API methods are.*/
$arena = Arena::getInstance(); /* Getting the instance of the object. */
$player = "MXJosuepro033"; /* Getting a player to get their kills. */
/* The $player parameter can have a `pocketmine\player\Player` instance or be a string
with the player's name (If you query the data for the player's name
and it is offline, it must have played before or it will return `0` or `null`
depending on the method used). */
$playerData = $arena->getPlayerData($player); /* It will return an object with instance of `combofly\PlayerData`. */
$playerKills = $arena->getKills($player); /* This will return the number of kills of the player. */
$playerDeaths = $arena->getDeaths($player); /* This will return the number of deaths of the player. */