🔭 I’m currently working on Studying
🌱 I’m currently learning TYPESCRIPT, JS, IO.SOCKETS, REACT
💬 Ask me about Anything
📫 How to reach me marian.valchinov@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact Why be a Fiat when you can be a Ferrari
🔭 I’m currently working on Studying
🌱 I’m currently learning TYPESCRIPT, JS, IO.SOCKETS, REACT
💬 Ask me about Anything
📫 How to reach me marian.valchinov@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact Why be a Fiat when you can be a Ferrari
This is an advanced full-stack Spring and React Vite project with MySQL integration provides a comprehensive task management system with features like user authentication, task creation, and manage…
JavaScript 11
Web app meant to look-alike facebook. Tech - SPRING, JWT SECURITY, REACT, BOOTSTRAP. Still in progress.
Java 3
The food block management system is an application that allows a user or guest to book a menu to later send.
C++ 3
Application for buying and selling goods. Each user can create an account, have their own money in the account and make purchases of goods or sell goods.
Java 2
The project makes it possible to create students in through a UI created through WPF. As the information that can be added for each student is names, faculty, specialty... . Also covered is a mini …
C# 1