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Use-AzureAD - How-To


v0.5 - first public release - beta version

v0.6 - beta version

  • add example on Cloud provisionning schema operation (get / update) Enjoy your AzureAD stuff with Power[Shell](Of Love)

v0.7 - beta version

  • add example to deal with Administrative Unit with hidden membership
  • add example to deal with delta views

v0.8 - beta version

  • add examples to deal with Azure AD Security groups with Dynamic Membership

v0.9 - beta version

  • add examples to deal with license and group and licensing issues also

v1.0 - beta version

  • add service principal access

v1.2 - beta version

  • update proxy
  • update service principal
  • update example 9 for New-AzureADAdministrativeUnitCustom
  • update for Get-AzureADUserCustom (previously Get-AzureADUserallproperties)
  • add example 14

v1.3 - beta version

  • add example 15

v1.4 - beta version

  • add example 16

v1.5 - beta version

  • add example 17

v1.6 - last release - beta version

  • add example 18

(c) 2021 Distributed under Artistic Licence 2.0 (


Set your internet proxy if you need

This is an optionnal step. If you are using a proxy infrastructure to access Azure AD portal and APIs, you must use the following cmdlet to set it. Note : you can also use this cmdlet to do local Man In The Middle scenario to debug and learn about MS Graph APIs... I did it on all AzureAD cmdlets to learn about OData implementation by the Azure team... For instance, if you have fiddler installed on your PC :

    C:\PS> Set-AzureADProxy -Proxy ""

Note : since 1.2 version you can now bypass proxy for local site using BypassProxyOnLocal

Get an access token for MS Graph Beta API

access with a user account

First thing to do is to request your Access Token, so the other cmdlet will be able to built the bearer token header to deal with MS API authorization :

    C:\PS> Get-AzureADAccessToken -adminUPN my-admin@mydomain.tld

The token is hosted in a global variable (a custom PS Object) that is shared by all other cmdlets :

    C:\PS> $global:AADConnectInfo

This token will give you access to all APIs of MS Graph Beta. MFA is supported of course for this authentication, you can renew your token using the same cmdlet every two hours without having the need to be re-authenticated.

access with a service principal

Since version 1.0 it's now possible to request also a token for a service principal :

    C:\PS> Get-AzureADAccessToken -ServicePrincipalCertThumbprint E22EE5AE84909C49D4BF66C12BF88B2D0A53CDC2 -ServicePrincipalApplicationID 38846352-a67c-4a9a-a94c-c115be1fc52f  -ServicePrincipalTenantDomain mydomain.tld

Since 1.2 version you can now put a token watcher to renew automatically your access token before expiration. It can be usefull in script when execution time is longer than one hour.

    C:\PS> Get-AzureADAccessToken -ServicePrincipalCertThumbprint E22EE5AE84909C49D4BF66C12BF88B2D0A53CDC2 -ServicePrincipalApplicationID 38846352-a67c-4a9a-a94c-c115be1fc52f  -ServicePrincipalTenantDomain mydomain.tld
    C:\PS> Watch-AzureADAccessToken -StartAutoRenewal

Use your access token to get an access for classic MS Graph API used by Azure AD MS modules

When you will have your Access Token, we can use it to request another access to MS Graph API v1.0 ( used by AzureAD and AzureADPreview modules

    C:\PS> Connect-AzureADFromAccessToken

Now, you can also use the same token to use MSOnline module

    C:\PS> Connect-MSOnlineFromAccessToken

Note : due to technical limitation, you cannot send your service principal token to MSOnline module, it's limited to user account access only.

Output of Use-AzureAD functions / cmdlets

Depending on cmdlet, output could be a PSCustomObject (TypeName: System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject) or a Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model (TypeName : Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.xxxx) When I am dealing directly with APIs you will find PSCustomObject, when I am wrapping AzureAD cmdlet you will find Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model

Input of Use-AzureAD functions / cmdlets

You can pipe object to several functions :-) For instance Get-AzureADUserCustom function will accept an object from get-azureaduser

    C:\PS> C:\PS> get-azureaduser -ObjectId "my-admin@mydomain.tld" | Get-AzureADUserCustom

Help on cmdlets / functions

Get-help is available on all functions, for instance, if you want to consult the help section of Get-AzureADUserCustom (input, output, description and examples are available)

    C:\PS>Get-Help Get-AzureADUserCustom -full

Practice example

Hereunder find a couple of "real" use case playing with the functions provided in my module.

Example 1

I have set a couple of user tag in my on premise AD using ExtensionAttribute1 to ExtensionAttribute9. Those attributes are synchronized in the cloud using Azure AD Connect and I would like to get these values for a user account in order to troubleshoot a current issue. My account is user1 Well, quite simple :)

    C:\PS> get-azureaduser -ObjectId "user1@mydomain.tld" | Get-AzureADUserCustom


    C:\PS> Get-AzureADUserCustom -userUPN "user1@mydomain.tld"

Example 2

In my on prem' AD I have organized my object in root Organizational Unit and I want to create one Azure AD Administrative Unit for each of them.

    C:\PS> Sync-ADOUtoAzureADAdministrativeUnit -AllRootOU

Example 3

Nice, now my Administrative Units are set in the cloud based on my on prem' OU logical organization. Now, I want to add users in each of my on prem' OU in the target Administrative Unit. Is this possible ? Of course :), one question, @ the cloud, you are using your on prem UPN or mail to be logged in ? mail ok, let's do it.

    C:\PS> Sync-ADUsertoAzureADAdministrativeUnitMember -CloudUPNAttribute mail -AllRootOU -Verbose

A warning guys, because there is no batch mode available for now and also because nothing is supported by MS, I have to do it, entry by entry so it could take several times depending on the amount of users. For instance, I have made some bench for an AD containing 11 000 users accounts :

    C:\PS> Measure-command {Sync-ADUsertoAzureADAdministrativeUnitMember -CloudUPNAttribute mail -AllRootOU -Verbose}

    Days              : 0
    Hours             : 0
    Minutes           : 43
    Seconds           : 43
    Milliseconds      : 160
    Ticks             : 26231607340
    TotalDays         : 0.0303606566435185
    TotalHours        : 0.728655759444444
    TotalMinutes      : 43.7193455666667
    TotalSeconds      : 2623.160734
    TotalMilliseconds : 2623160.734

It means it takes ~45 minutes to add 10 000 users in an cloud Admin Unit. Advice, use the parameter verbose so you can follow in live the action and see what is going on.

Example 4

One of my colleague added a couple of more users manually in one of our cloud Admin Unit containing 10 000 users. I want to list all members of one of my admin unit to see who is in or not. The admin unit is TP-AL Easy peasy :)

    C:\PS> Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnit -Filter "displayname eq 'TP-AL'" | Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnitAllMembers

A warning guys, It could take several times to parse all objects in one Admin unit especially if you have thousand and thousand of objects to list. For instance, I have made some bench with and admin unit containing 10 000 users :

    C:\PS> Measure-command {Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnit -Filter "displayname eq 'TP-AL'" | Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnitAllMembers}
    Days              : 0
    Hours             : 0
    Minutes           : 3
    Seconds           : 0
    Milliseconds      : 234
    Ticks             : 1802343408
    TotalDays         : 0,00208604561111111
    TotalHours        : 0,0500650946666667
    TotalMinutes      : 3,00390568
    TotalSeconds      : 180,2343408
    TotalMilliseconds : 180234,3408

It means it takes 3 minutes to parse / list the 10 000 users objects of this admin unit. Unfortunately MS did not implement all paging features of the ODATA 3.0 core protocol, it means we have to list everything to be able to count for instance... A shame is'n it ?

Example 5

I have my admin unit created, my users added, but now I need to delegate rights on this admin unit to a user. For instance, I want to delegate the right to manage users account of my admin unit TP-AL to a user account called user1 Ok, let's go !

    C:\PS> Set-AzureADAdministrativeUnitAdminRole -userUPN user1@mydomain.tld -RoleAction ADD -AdministrativeUnit TP-AL -AdministrativeRole 'User Account Administrator' -Verbose

Example 6

Before playing with this use case, please take a look at the basic here :
I have just installed Azure AD Connect Cloud Provisionning for one of our affiliates with its own AD forest ( My provisionning agent is in place and I have started to sync a pilot OU for testing purpose but the default rules sync applied don't fit my need, I want to check them first then modify them. Ok, first step, Get the current schema (including directory attributes definition, objectmappings / ruleset and so on :-) ). This schema is available for each provisionning agent installed and this schema is a copy of a default schema available for Azure AD Connect Cloud Provisionning. So first, get the current schema for your affiliate

    C:\PS> $schema = Get-AzureADConnectCloudProvisionningServiceSyncSchema -OnPremADFQDN "" -Verbose

Understanding the Schema

Take a look at the PSCustomObject generated. You can find all the classic "schema" (ldap speaking), it means, all definition of attributes (name, type...). For instance, take a look of the azure AD one :

    C:\PS> ($schema.directories | Where-Object {$ -eq "Azure Active Directory"}).objects.attributes

Look at the properties :

    anchor            NoteProperty bool anchor=False
    caseExact         NoteProperty bool caseExact=False
    defaultValue      NoteProperty object defaultValue=null
    metadata          NoteProperty Object[] metadata=System.Object[]
    multivalued       NoteProperty bool multivalued=False
    mutability        NoteProperty string mutability=ReadWrite
    name              NoteProperty string name=AccountEnabled
    referencedObjects NoteProperty Object[] referencedObjects=System.Object[]
    required          NoteProperty bool required=False

For instance, look at the first property : anchor as boolean ==> it means you can use this property of an attribute to add a new source anchor / immutable id source for your sync :) Now, take a look objectmappings for the user class / object, it will give us all the default sync rules for the users object (attribute and related mapping, including transformation rules as your on premise Azure AD Connect instance) :

    C:\PS> $schema.synchronizationRules.objectmappings | Where-Object {$ -like "*users*"}

Now, we will look closer to one of your key mapping attribute : userprincipalname :

    C:\PS> ($schema.synchronizationRules.objectmappings | Where-Object {$ -like "*users*"}).attributemappings | Where-Object {$_.targetattributename -eq "userprincipalname"}
    defaultValue            :
    exportMissingReferences : False
    flowBehavior            : FlowWhenChanged
    flowType                : Always
    matchingPriority        : 0
    targetAttributeName     : UserPrincipalName
    source                  : @{expression=IIF(IsPresent([userPrincipalName]), [userPrincipalName], IIF(IsPresent([sAMAccountName]), Join("@", [sAMAccountName], ), Error("AccountName is not present")));
                            name=IIF; type=Function; parameters=System.Object[]}

Look, closer at the source property... If you know the default transformation rule of Azure AD Connect, it will look familiar to you :) Now, to conclude, zoom on the source property of this object mapping attribute :

    expression                                                                                                                                                     name type     parameters
    ----------                                                                                                                                                     ---- ----     ----------
    IIF(IsPresent([userPrincipalName]), [userPrincipalName], IIF(IsPresent([sAMAccountName]), Join("@", [sAMAccountName], ), Error("AccountName is not present"))) IIF  Function {@{key=one; value=}, @{key=four;...

You can see you can use all the functions (VBA style) already available with on premise Azure AD Connect (or the old Forefront Identity Manager...) More information here :
If you want to use a complex expression like this one, you must split your expression by function in sub object... Take a look :)

Updating the Schema

Well well, I think I am now ready to play with the schema and inplement several updates to take into account the specific use case of my affiliate : So, here is my wishlist :

  • set my cloud userprincipalname matching my on premise mail adress (hosted in mail attribute in my local AD)
  • enable all my account by default because I am synchronizing a ressource forest with all my account disabled
  • change my source anchor value matching my on premise attribute EmployeeID Before starting, a "nice" warning :) only object mapping update is supported by Micro$osft even if you can rewrite all the schema from scratch (and it works well, I have played with it :) ) It's not supported to modify the source anchor for instance. But at the end, technically it works well :) Note : To simplify my use case, I have decided to remove completly the objectmappings for contacts, groups, inetorgperson and keep only users (not supported by much easier to parse for checking / testing purpose). So I also had to update the schema directory to remove the reference to group/inetorperson/contact class of my attributes to have a valid schema.
userprincipalname use case

First thing to do : duplicate your schema object to be sure you can restore it quickly in case of emergency :)

    C:\PS> $newschema = $schema | select-object *

Now, let's go for our first update, changing the userprincipalname mapping. Basically we want to implement a basic mapping attribute to attribute without any advanced sync functions... Easy / peasy :-) I give you the soluce :

    defaultValue            :
    exportMissingReferences : False
    flowBehavior            : FlowWhenChanged
    flowType                : Always
    matchingPriority        : 0
    targetAttributeName     : UserPrincipalName
    source                  : @{expression=[mail]; name=mail; type=Attribute; parameters=System.Object[]}
    C:\PS> (($newschema.synchronizationRules.objectmappings | Where-Object {$ -like "*users*"}).attributemappings | Where-Object {$_.targetattributename -eq "userprincipalname"}).source

We need to modify the source attribute of our objectmapping entry UserPrincipalName :

  • expression : [mail] (string)
    • we need to use [] when we use attribute, like in Azure AD Connect on premise sync rule
  • name : mail (string)
    • copy / paste from the expression without []
  • type : Attribute (string)
    • here we can use several values depending on what we want to do, for instance : Attribute for a basic attribute to attribute mapping (our use case), or Constant if you want to set a value (boolean, string, integer) to an attribute or also Function if you want to use a sync function (Like expression in Azure AD Connect if you know how it works).
  • parameters : empty array ==> @()
    • to be used with functions mainly, you must set it to an empty powershell array if you don't use it like in our use case ==> or the JSON generated won't be compliant. big fucking warning : everything is case sensitive, so be careful !!!! Now our update is done locally on our new schema $newschema, let's to the update !
    C:\PS> Update-AzureADConnectCloudProvisionningServiceSyncSchema -OnPremADFQDN "" -inputobject $newschema

If everything is ok, you will just receive a warning from the cmdlet because you receive an empty response from the API (normal behavior). If the schema is KO, you will receive a bad request error.

enable disabled account / enable signin for disabled on prem account

This trick can be useful especially when you are dealing with complex environment. For instance : building a dedicating consolidated AD Forest hosting all your objects because your AD environemnt is to complex to be synchronized "as is". Again, you should download your current schema, copy the object and start to play with the new one ;-) Now, let's go for the second update, changing AccountEnabled mapping. Basically we want to implement a boolean constant to "True" to enable the cloud account whatever our on prem status (in real life, my advice is to manage through a Function instead of Constant and tag your account with another attribute when you want to enable it or not). I give you the soluce :

    defaultValue            :
    exportMissingReferences : False
    flowBehavior            : FlowWhenChanged
    flowType                : Always
    matchingPriority        : 0
    targetAttributeName     : AccountEnabled
    source                  : @{expression="True"; name=True; type=Constant; parameters=System.Object[]}
    C:\PS> (($newschema.synchronizationRules.objectmappings | Where-Object {$ -like "*users*"}).attributemappings | Where-Object {$_.targetattributename -eq "accountenabled"}).source

We need to modify the source attribute of our objectmapping entry AccountEnabled :

  • expression : '"True"' (string)
    • we need to double quote it, so protect it with simple quote
  • name : True (string)
    • copy / paste from the expression without []
  • type : Constant (string)
  • parameters : empty array And, again, when ready, just do the update :)

Example 7

I gave you two Azure AD Connect Cloud Provisionning schema sample I have made with the following update :


  • Remove contact, group, inetorperson sync
  • Update directory schema to exclude those class from the attributes
  • SourceAnchor update to use EmployeeID (both directory schema and objectmapping rule)
  • use mail as UserPrincipalName

The schema generated by the Example 6 part ;-)

  • Remove contact, group, inetorperson sync
  • Update directory schema to exclude those class from the attributes
  • enable all account (AccountEnabled set to true)
  • use mail as UserPrincipalName

Example 8

I have lost my schema backup, everything is broken, help ! No problemo, Azure AD have a lot of templates object available and guess why, there is one available for the schema (ID : AD2AADProvisioning). So basically, you can rebuild your default schema based on this template :) Let's get the default schema !

    C:\PS> $defaultschema = Get-AzureADConnectCloudProvisionningServiceSyncDefaultSchema -OnPremADFQDN ""
    C:\PS> $default.schema

Now you can restore part of your schema with the default values available then update it again online :-)

Example 9

I want to create a new Azure AD Administrative Unit to manage all my top VIPs accounts but I don't want any users to be able to list the VIPs' members. Is there any technical solution ? The answer is yes ! you can use a "hidden" property (indeed, hidden if you use Microsoft modules like AzureADPreview) of administrative unit to hide membership to non admin unit members or advanced directory roles like Global Reader or Global Administrator for instance. Warning : this property can be set only during a new creation and cannot be removed after So if you want to move from public membership to hidden membership or vice-versa, you need to create a new admin unit and remove the previous one... It's a current limitation... Hope it will evolve... So back to business, How can I create an admin unit with hidden membership ? For our use case, here is the answer :

    C:\PS> New-AzureADAdministrativeUnitCustom -displayName "TopVIP" -description "Top Vip Admin Unit" -Hidden

Easy ! You just have to add your users accounts in the admin ou and the membership will be hidden by default.

Example 10

Wait, now I have created several admin units with hidden membership and I want to know what are the admin unit with hidden membership vs the public one. Again, easy peasy : For the hidden one

    C:\PS> Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnitHidden 

And for the public one :

    C:\PS> Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnitHidden -public $true

Example 11

Well, I have a huge migration scheduled, I have planned to manage some migration waves, migrating 1000 users by day. It would be perfect if can check every day the delta from day before to verify new users are correctly provisionned with all correct values. when I was reading Microsoft Docs online, I have found a very useful API called "Delta" that can do the job for you ! It's quite simple, you make a first request to create a kind of initial "view" then you can retrieve all updates done since your first request in a max period of time of 30 days. You can retrieve, added/updated/deleted objects and also properties of objects. It's magic :) Not all objects are supported right now, but "directory" speaking : users, groups and admin units are already supported :) More information here
In our use case, find below how to manage it with my cmdlet :

create the initial view

in our sample use case, we will imagine, we want to focus especially on two attributes manager and department :

    C:\PS> $delta = New-AzureADDeltaView -ObjectType Users -SelectProperties @("manager","department") -Verbose

consult the delta

we are 24 hours later and now we want to check the changes from the initial view :

    C:\PS> Get-AzureADDeltaFromView -inputobject $delta

Quite simple !

follow the delta in time

When you will get your updated view, this update generate also a new "initial view" updated that you can consult after to move forward in the timeline and don't take into account these results and focus on the new delta.

    C:\PS> $delta2 = Get-AzureADDeltaFromView -inputobject $delta
    C:\PS> Get-AzureADDeltaFromView -inputobject $delta2

Example 12

Well, I have tried to play with Azure AD Security Group with Dynamic membership in PowerShell and unfortunately, it seems the default AzureADPreview cmdlets are buggy... Any other solutions available ?

Rules membership

All you want/need to know about the rules

Get Azure AD Group with Dynamic membership

I want to get all info about the dynamic group Dynam_test. Please help me.

    C:\PS> Get-AzureADDynamicGroup -DisplayName "Dynam_test"

Create a new Azure AD group with Dynamic membership

I want to create a new dynamic group to manage automatically my low level admin based on a value hosted in extensionAttribute2 which is MyAdminTag. Possible ?

    C:\PS> New-AzureADDynamicGroup -DisplayName "MyLowLevelAdmin" -Description "Low Level Admin" -MemberShipRule '(user.extensionAttribute2 -eq "MyAdminTag")'

Update an Azure AD Group with Dynamic membership

I want to stop the processing of a rule on my group Admin. Is it possible ?

    C:\PS> Set-AzureADDynamicGroup -ObjectId (Get-AzureADGroup -SearchString "MyLowLevelAdmin").ObjectId -DisableRuleProcessingState

Now I want to update the rule. How can I manage this ?

    C:\PS> Set-AzureADDynamicGroup -ObjectId (Get-AzureADGroup -SearchString "MyLowLevelAdmin").ObjectId -NewMemberShipRule '(user.extensionAttribute1 -eq "NewAdminTag")'

Well, all update finished, I want to update the group again based on my new rule.

    C:\PS> Set-AzureADDynamicGroup -ObjectId (Get-AzureADGroup -SearchString "MyLowLevelAdmin").ObjectId -EnableRuleProcessingState

Delete an Azure AD Group with Dynamic membership

I want to remove a test group named Dynam_test2, how can I do that ?

    C:\PS> Get-AzureADGroup -SearchString 'Dynam_test2' | Remove-AzureADDynamicGroup

Test a user membership in a Dynamic membership group

Well, I want to verify is my user Paul is a member of the dynamic group MyLowLevelAdmin. Quite simple ;)

    C:\PS> Test-AzureADUserForGroupDynamicMembership -ObjectID (Get-AzureADGroup -SearchString "MyLowLevelAdmin").ObjectId -MemberID (Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId Paul@mydomain.tld)

Is it possible to focus on a specifid rule, just to be sure ? Of course yes : Well, I want to verify is my user Paul is a member of the dynamic group MyLowLevelAdmin. Quite simple ;)

    C:\PS> Test-AzureADUserForGroupDynamicMembership -ObjectID (Get-AzureADGroup -SearchString "MyLowLevelAdmin").ObjectId -MemberID (Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId Paul@mydomain.tld) -MemberShipRule 'user.extensionAttribute9 -eq "AdminFlag"'

Example 13

I was looking for a way to manage my license using group instead direct attribution on users ressources, too much admin task for me... But I did not find any solutions in azureadpreview module, any idea ?
Well, yes ;) few cmdlets available for you to deal with licensing stuff in a group context.

Add a license to a group

first, retrieve your SKU from your tenant

    C:\PS> Get-AzureADSubscribedSku | Select-Object -Property *

write down the SKUID you want to add and also service plans you want to remove / disable from the SKU if needed. Ok ? Now, move to the adding part ;) we want to add the SKU with the skuid 84a661c4-e949-4bd2-a560-ed7766fcaf2b to the dynamic security group with object id 53cf95f1-49be-463e-9856-77c2b2c3e4a0. And we want to disable the following service plans from this SKU : 113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318, 932ad362-64a8-4783-9106-97849a1a30b9

    C:\PS> Set-AzureADGroupLicense -ObjectID 53cf95f1-49be-463e-9856-77c2b2c3e4a0 -AddLicense -SkuID 84a661c4-e949-4bd2-a560-ed7766fcaf2b -DisabledPlans @("113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318", "932ad362-64a8-4783-9106-97849a1a30b9")

Note : the disabledplans parameters is optional and of course you can set all service plans to your group if you want.

Remove a license from a group

we want to remove the SKU with the skuid 84a661c4-e949-4bd2-a560-ed7766fcaf2b from the dynamic security group with object id 53cf95f1-49be-463e-9856-77c2b2c3e4a0

    C:\PS> Set-AzureADGroupLicense -ObjectID 53cf95f1-49be-463e-9856-77c2b2c3e4a0 -RemoveLicense -SkuID 84a661c4-e949-4bd2-a560-ed7766fcaf2b

Note : you cannot enable back and disabled plans from your group. You need to remove the SKU and add it back with the new service plans configuration.

Get licenses for a group

    C:\PS> Get-AzureADGroupLicenseDetail -ObjectID fb01091c-a9b2-4cd2-bbc9-130dfc91452a

Troubleshooting licensing errors

Everything was going fine with my licenses and workload since a couple of weeks and now several users tell me that they are not able to acess several workloads... I think it could be linked to a licensing issue, how can I investigate ? First thing, check if you have any group containing users with licensing error. if you don't know the group that could be the root issue, you can look over all groups with -all switch

    C:\PS> Get-AzureADGroupMembersWithLicenseErrors -All

Great ! only one group contains users with licensing errors, what's the next step ? Now we will use the same command to have more info about users with licensing errors in this group.

    C:\PS> Get-AzureADGroupMembersWithLicenseErrors -ObjectID fb01091c-a9b2-4cd2-bbc9-130dfc91452a

great ! ten users with errors are listed, what's next ? How I can see what exactly is going on ? Keep cool, the answer is coming :) Now, we just need to show the licensing info available from the first user to continue our investigation. Here the object id of the user we want to check is b0cf4323-46b8-4b9f-9227-eeb0bc901805

    C:\PS> (Get-AzureADUserLicenseAssignmentStates -ObjectID b0cf4323-46b8-4b9f-9227-eeb0bc901805).licenseassignmentstates
    skuId           : 84a661c4-e949-4bd2-a560-ed7766fcaf2b
    disabledPlans   : {113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318, 932ad362-64a8-4783-9106-97849a1a30b9}
    assignedByGroup : 53cf95f1-49be-463e-9856-77c2b2c3e4a0
    state           : Error
    error           : CountViolation

You see, you have got your answer ! you need to purchase more licenses to cover your people :)

Example 14

application, service principal, API delegations

I have tried to play with application/service principal and API delegation in an Admin Unit context. The idea was to automate through a service principal/application access the provisionning of new Admin Unit and Admin Unit membership (not managed currently by M$ through, for instance, Azure AD Connect). Issue encountered : AzureADPreview cannot use MS Graph API Beta so I was not able to delegate access through API delegation and I was limited to Azure AD Role delegations... To fix it and be able to use API delegation (= fine grained delegation compared to Azure AD Role = better in a security point of view), I have added a couple of new functions to do so :

  • Get-AzureADServicePrincipalCustom
  • Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnitCustom
  • Add-AzureADAdministrativeUnitMemberCustom
  • New-AzureADAdministrativeUnitCustom Using those new functions you can use full MS Graph API in beta to manage all Admin Unit operations, meaning you can delegate right using API delegation in a service principal / application context :) Last issue encoutered, Access Token expiration during huge Admin Unit membership job (like 100 000 users to map in a multi proxies infra with high latency)... To fix it, I have added a simple token watcher function using multi threaded capacility and hash table sharing between thread ==> you can now have a dedicated thread to renew your Access Token and share it automatically to the main thread running your actions ;-)

Example 15

back to administrative unit

hereunder two new examples for the two new functions regarding administrative unit

get the administrative unit membership of a user account

everything is in the title, get the administrative unit membership of myacount@mydomain.tld

    C:\PS>  Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId myacount@mydomain.tld | Get-AzureADUserAdministrativeUnitMemberOfCustom

remove an administrative unit member using MS Graph API

Remove Azure AD User account 4144fc1c-713e-4c76-9980-d1797cbf266e from Administrative Unit 74273da8-7852-483f-911c-717273e920ca

    C:\PS>  Get-AzureADAdministrativeUnit -ObjectId 74273da8-7852-483f-911c-717273e920ca | Remove-AzureADAdministrativeUnitMemberCustom -RefObjectId 4144fc1c-713e-4c76-9980-d1797cbf266e

example 16

Azure AD organization information

well, I am looking for a way to check my directory quota and total number of objects in a monitoring purpose, any idea ? Quite easy, information is available through the Organization information

    C:\PS>  (Get-AzureADOrganizationCustom).directorySizeQuota

update my Organization information

I want to update all my email for notification, any way through powershell to do it ? Again, not so complicated :) for instance to update your privacy mail and URL

    C:\PS>  Update-AzureADOrganizationCustom -privacyProfilemail -privacyProfileurl

example 17

Get Azure AD Connect synchronization errors

I don't want to use MSOnline module anymore because it's deprecated. How can I get Azure AD Connect synchronization errors ? Previously I was using Get-AzureADOnPremisesProvisionningErrors Easy Peasy !

    C:\PS>  Get-AzureADOnPremisesProvisionningErrors
    C:\PS>  Get-AzureADOnPremisesProvisionningErrors -filterObjectType "contacts"

example 18

Create an Office 365 group including specific resource options like "welcome message" disabled

It is annoying that you have to first create an Office 365 group with default exchange options and then patch the group to setup all the options. For instance, you first create a dynamic group with welcome message enable so all the users will receive the welcome message, and then you can disable the welcome message... Could we manage it in one shot during the creation ? Yes you can :)

    C:\PS>  New-AzureADMSGroupCustom -DisplayName "testgroup" -Description "testgroup" -resourceBehaviorOptions @("WelcomeEmailDisabled")

Other hidden options are also available like hiding the group in Outlook for instance. More information here

Update an Office 365 group including special exchange options

Unfortunaly, even with MS Graph API beta and last Groups resource, you cannot set all exchange options during the creation, you must patch it in a second time. So I have a build a 'set' function to manage all available Exchange options managed by the last beta API and groups resource. Here a sample to illustrate all the possible value, more information here

    C:\PS>  Get-AzureADGroup -ObjectId fd04a7ae-65e2-44ba-a940-b75efbd95d7e | set-AzureADMSGroupCustom -ResourceExchangeOptions @{"hideFromAddressLists"=$true;"allowExternalSenders"=$false;"autoSubscribeNewMembers"=$false;"hideFromOutlookClients"=$true;"isSubscribedByMail"=$false;"unseenCount"=10}