MPAS Version 3.3
This bugfix release corrects a number of small bugs in the shared MPAS infrastructure:
- Fix an issue in the timekeeping library when comparing time intervals with different numbers of years or months
- Fix a memory leak when setting times in the time manager
- Add improved error messages when attempting to read from non-existent files
- Correctly catch error conditions produced by open() when opening XML files
- Fix bug in merging var_struct and var_array elements in Registry.xml files
- Set the s_d variable within time manager to avoid potential division by zero
- Remove an extra if-test to handle r0a field destruction in pools
- Avoid allocating memory for inactive package variables
- Fix for directory creation for streams when directories are nested within non-writable directories
- Permit input streams to have the same filename template
- Update infrastructure bootstrapping process to properly handle stream attributes
- Fix an issue with interval division when resetting alarms