Project that contains the Lora-Map and all its dependencies. This readme is meant for describing the application with all dependencies, see Deployment
if you want to work with.
The project documentation is available on the Wiki of lora-map.
Please checkout this project with it submodules:
git clone
To run the latest version of Lora-Map, Checkout this repo and then run:
docker-compose build
mkdir ./config/config -p
mkdir ./config/maps
mkdir ./config/json
touch ./config/config/requests.conf
cp ./Lora-Map/Lora-Map/config-example/settings.conf.example ./config/config/settings.conf
docker-compose up
Edit the settings.conf
This depends on the OS you running.
Checkout this repo and open ora-Map/Lora-Map.sln
in Visual Studio. Then run Debug or Release.
On Windows you can create with Lora-Map/Lora-Map/dpkg/create-Builds.bat
deb files for Linux, if you have WSL installed
Checkout this repo and run: dotnet build Lora-Map.sln --configuration Release
You must have dotnet-sdk-3.0
If you want to have deb files run cd Lora-Map/Lora-Map/dpkg
and bash armhf
that you can install with sudo dpkg -i armhf-loramap_x.x-x.deb
You need C# .NET Core 3, installation instructions are available here. You need only setup apt.
If you install the deb packets, it will check and install all dependencies.
Contributions are welcome.
Please fork, make your changes, and submit a pull request. For major changes, please open an issue first and discuss it with the other authors.
This work is supported by the European Commission through the MONICA H2020 PROJECT under grant agreement No 732350.