This repository reports a self-consistent docker compose demonstration of whole MONICA toolchain, from data simulation to visualization, for the Crowd Management use case. Main components are reported in the following:
- MQTT Wristband GW Emulator
- SCRAL - MQTT Wristbands Module
- MQTT Broker (Eclipse Mosquitto)
- Service Catalog
- High Level Data Fusion
- Common Operational Picture (COP)
In particular, such example diplays a Crowd Heatmap calculated on the basis of wristband positions genereted within the Woodstower geographic area (Ground Plane Position: Latitude: 45.7968451744, Longitude: 4.95029322898, size 300 m x 200 m rectangle area, cell size 10 m x 10 m). The whole are is subdivided in squared cells. Each cell is indexed with a row index increasing toward the North direction and a column index increasing toward the East direction. The crowd density map is calculated by counting the occurrency of wristbands positions within each cell.
The output is shown on a web map available locally.
NOTE(1): This package shall be intended as a demonstrative software suite just to concretely allow the visualization of the results and understand the MONICA solution.
NOTE(2): Such solution has been tested with success on limited number of devices (less than 1100); therefore, it is not possible to guarantee 100% successful execution of solution on all kind of PC.
NOTE(3): The High Level Data Fusion component retrieves the number of registered wristbands from the GOST database. If you have a certain number of wristband registered, the system will attend message from the same number of devices (i.e.: if you register 1000 wristaband, you must execute a test with 1000 wristband. To reduce the number of devices it is mandatory to delete the GOST database and register again the wristbands).
In the following it is reported a quick overview of the current repository in terms of folder presentation.
Folder | Content | Link |
. | Current Folder. It contains Docker Composes and environment files (NOTE: It is not completed before startup, see Section started | ${REPO_ROOT} |
environment | It contains files supporting tools for beginning setup project | ${REPO_ROOT}/environment |
volumes | Persistent Volumes for Docker containers launched (e.g. logs) | ${REPO_ROOT}/volumes |
tools | Bash script to startup environment for first usage | ${REPO_ROOT}/tools |
resources | Resource files for README and documentation | ${REPO_ROOT}/resources |
In Docker Statistics, it is possible to check the disk occupation for each image. The total size of images on disk is around 13 GB.
Solution has been tested with success on machine Ubuntu, CentOS and Windows 10 with at least 8 GB RAM.
First of all, ensuring that Docker Engine and git are correctly installed on machine.
In Windows, Docker and Docker compose are included in Docker Desktop, whereas in Linux, it is necessary to install them separately, Docker and Docker Compose. NOTE: Minimum Docker Compose version compliant with this solution (Version: 3.7) is 1.25.4. Check version with command:
$ docker-compose --version
After clone current git, from bash shell go to ${REPO_ROOT}/tools folder and launch command (Linux Bash):
${REPO_ROOT}/tools:$ bash local
or under Windows Command Prompt:
%REPO_ROOT%/tools> configure_docker_environment.bat local
To launch development environment (under construction) configuration, launch:
${REPO_ROOT}/tools:$ bash dev
or under Windows Command Prompt:
%REPO_ROOT%/tools> configure_docker_environment.bat dev
NOTE(1): The environment consistent for such version of repository is local; dev is set just as an example for future extension of this repository.
NOTE(2): Sometimes could happen mistakes due to line termination difference Unix-Windows (when launching script under Unix environment or from git bash in Linux). Therefore, in case of trouble, before destroying your PC, just launch:
${REPO_ROOT}/tools:$ dos2unix
${REPO_ROOT}/tools:$ dos2unix
${REPO_ROOT}/tools:$ dos2unix
In order to check that the environment is configured correctly, from ${REPO_ROOT} launch command:
${REPO_ROOT}:$ docker-compose config
The output should be similar to the content of file DockerConfig.
After a first configuration reported in Section Startup, it is necessary to download all the images. Before start, optionally it is possible to launch from ${REPO_ROOT}:
${REPO_ROOT}:$ docker-compose up --no-start
Then, for running simulation launch command from ${REPO_ROOT}:
${REPO_ROOT}:$ docker-compose up -d
NOTE(1): The second command can also download images and launch running. The first is an additional check before effectively launch simulation.
NOTE(2): In Linux environment it should be necessary to execute docker-compose command with administrator permissions. Therefore it should be necessary to add sudo before launching commands.
On COPUI localhost:8900/crowd there is the COP User Interface that runs and shows the evolution of crowd heatmap with refresh overlapped on geographic map (username:, password: CROWD2019!). Then, go on the bottom of map and select Crowd Heatmap as indicated in the following screenshot. Note that the first output could take some minutes before appearing.
The output should be similar to the following picture.
The solution includes an instance of portainer, that should run on localhost:9000. Have a look at the containers to check if they are correctly running or not. Then, it is possible to check with a client MQTT (e.g. MQTT.fx), connecting to MQTT Broker on localhost:1883, subscribing to topic: ${V_APPSETTING_GOST_NAME}/Datastreams(13151)/Observations. In the following, the default configuration to retrieve output:
- Crowd Heatmap Output Topic: GOST/Datastreams(13151)/Observations
To stop simulation, launch command from ${REPO_ROOT}:
${REPO_ROOT}:$ docker-compose down
If the historical informationm of previous running are not interested, on folder tools it has been added purge script to clean up folder after usage and shutdown.
From bash shell, launch:
${REPO_ROOT}/tools:$ bash
NOTE: such script performs pruning of unused docker resources and it is useful to prevent big size occupation on disk after very long usage (more than 20 hours).
Detailed documentation about environment variables is available in repositories and dockerhubs readme (check Section Repository and Dockerhub).
In the following are reported some useful variables reported in .env file generated after startup procedure. It allows to modify the behaviour of the simulation. Handle with care!
Environment Variable | Meaning | Default Value | Note |
V_COUNT_WRISTBANDS | Number of Emulated Wristband | 1200 | Avoid to set number greater than 1500 |
V_BURST_INTERVAL_SECS | Interval sending burst interval | 25 | Avoid to set number lower than 15 |
NOTE: This solution has been tested with success with default values reported in the table. It has to be remarked that bigger variation of such numbers has not been validated and can compromise the execution of demonstration and increase computational resources required by demo.
A simple example is shown in figure below. The points represents the location of each person with respect to the Ground Plane Position.
Considering the ground plane position unknown and geographic area of 500 m x 500 m with cells 100 m x 100 m, the corresponding generated density map is:
4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Note that each cell is indexed with a row index increasing toward the North direction and a column index increasing toward the East direction. Cell(0,0) represents the Ground Plane Position. For instance, following this nomenclature, within the Cell (Row=1, Col=0) there are 4 people/wristbands in a space of 100 m x 100 m, 100 m North and 0 m East with respect to the Ground Plane Position.
The following table shows the list of services and minimum explaination as they appears on docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.override.yml:
Service Name | Container Name | Short Description | Links | Depends on |
hldfad_worker | hldf_docker_celery_worker_${ENVTYPE} | High Level Data Fusion and Anomaly Detection Core | rabbit, redis, mqttbroker, dashboard, worker_db, servicecatalog | rabbit, redis, mqttbroker, dashboard, scral, wb_mqtt_emulator, servicecatalog |
rabbit | hldf_docker_rabbit_${ENVTYPE} | Rabbit For Queue Management (support for hldfad_worker celery tasks) | None | None |
redis | hldf_docker_cache_redis_${ENVTYPE} | Temporarily cache for hldfad_worker | None | None |
node-red | gost-node-red_${ENVTYPE} | None | None | |
mqttbroker | gost-mqttbroker-${ENVTYPE} | Broker MQTT as a middleware for SCRAL and hldfad_worker | None | None |
gost-db | gost-db_${ENVTYPE} | DB for GOST | None | None |
gost | gost-gostreal_${ENVTYPE} | Real GOST Engine | None | mqttbroker, gost-db |
dashboard | gost_dashboard_${ENVTYPE} | Web services to get GOST Catalog with Things and Datastreams | None | gost |
scral | SCRAL-wb-MQTT_${ENVTYPE} | SCRAL protocol adapter-middleware | None | dashboard, gost, mqttbroker |
copdb | copdb_docker_${ENVTYPE} | COP DB | None | None |
copapi | copapi_docker_${ENVTYPE} | Missing | None | mqttbroker, gost, copdb |
copui | copapi_docker_${ENVTYPE} | COP User Interface (Map View) | None | mqttbroker, gost, copdb,copapi |
copupdater | copupdater_docker_${ENVTYPE} | Missing | None | copapi, gost, mqttbroker,copdb |
servicecatalog | wp6_servicecatalogemul_docker_${ENVTYPE} | WP6 Service Catalog (temporarily) | worker_emul_db | worker_emul_db |
worker_db | hldf_host_workerdb_${ENVTYPE} | PosgreSQL Database used by hldfad_worker to store output | None | None |
portainer | hldf_docker_portainer | ${PORTAINER_DOCKER_EXPOS_PORT} | 9000 | None |
worker_emul_db | hldf_host_workeremul_db_${ENVTYPE} | PosgreSQL Database to support servicecatalog | None | servicecatalog |
wb_mqtt_emulator | WB-MQTT-Emulator | Wristband Observations Generator Emulator | mqttbroker | dashboard,gost,mqttbroker,scral |
NOTE: worker_emul_db is used only from servicecatalog, which is a temporarily replacement of the official one (WP6 GOST Service Catalog)
The followind table provides link for Docker Hub images and Git Hub Source Code repository. They include documentation about such services. Please, refers to them for detailed information not reported hereafter.
Service Name | DockerHub Image | GitHub SourceCode |
hldfad_worker | monicaproject/hldfad_worker | HLDFAD Open Source Repository |
scral | monicaproject/scral | SCRAL Open Source Repository |
servicecatalog | monicaproject/servicecatalogemulator | Service Catalog Open Source Repository |
wb_mqtt_emulator | monicaproject/wb_mqtt_emulator | Wristband Gateway MQTT Emulator Open Source Repository |
copdb | monicaproject/example-databases | Missing |
copapi | monicaproject/copapi | GitHub COPAPI Repository |
copupdater | monicaproject/copupdater | GitHub COPUI Repository |
copui | monicaproject/monica-cop-examples | GitHub COPUI Repository |
The following table show the list of services with opened ports (inside subnet and forward to external connections):
Service Name | Type Port | External Port | Internal Subnet Port | Income Connection From |
rabbit | Service | ${RABBITMQ_DOCKER_PORT_DIAGNOSTIC} | 5672 | hldfad_worker |
rabbit | Diagnostic | ${RABBITMQ_DOCKER_PORT_SERVICE} | 15672 | None |
redis | Service | ${REDISCACHE_PORT} | 6379 | hldfad_worker |
node-red | Service | 1880 | 1880 | gost |
mqttbroker | Service | 1883 | 1883 | gost, scral, hldfad_worker |
mqttbroker | Diagnostic | 9001 | 9001 | None |
dashboard | Service | 8080 | 8080 | gost, hldfad_worker |
scral | Service | 8000 | 8000 | gost, hldfad_worker |
servicecatalog | Service | ${WEB_GOST_PORT} | ${V_SERVER_WEB_PORT} | hldfad_worker |
servicecatalog | Diagnostic | ${WEB_DIAGNOSTIC_PORT} | 3001 | hldfad_worker |
worker_db | Service | ${PGSQL_WORKER_PORT} | ${PGSQL_WORKER_PORT} | hldfad_worker |
portainer | Service | ${PORTAINER_DOCKER_EXPOS_PORT} | 9000 | None |
copapi | Service | 8800 | 80 | copupdater |
copui | Service | 8900 | 8080 | copapi |
worker_emul_db | Diagnostic | ${PGSQL_EMUL_PORT} | ${PGSQL_EMUL_PORT} | servicecatalog |
- Variables ${} are those reported in .env file. Therefore, such port can be easiliy changed;
- worker_emul_db is used only from servicecatalog, which is a temporarily replacement of the official one (WP6 GOST Service Catalog)
Contributions are welcome.
Please fork, make your changes, and submit a pull request. For major changes, please open an issue first and discuss it with the other authors.
This work is supported by the European Commission through the MONICA H2020 PROJECT under grant agreement No 732350.
| copdb | Service | ${PORTAINER_DOCKER_EXPOS_PORT} | 9000 | None |