MagicMirror Module to display constellations, stars, galaxy, ... using VirtualSky Library
With the great library Virtualsky You can show planetarium in your MagicMirror.
git clone
module: 'MMM-Planetarium',
position: 'fullscreen_below', //Recommended
config: {
latitude: 50.0836, //Your position
longitude: -8.4694,
az: 0, // Azimuth : 0 means North, 90 means East, 180 means South, ...
panoffset: -0.1, // panning step by AZ
paninterval: 250, // milliseconds. 0 => no pan.
All options of VirtualSky would be available (even keyboard shortcuts..)
- See. There are also some examples in that page.
- Seongnoh Yi (