This repository contains the code for the paper: Estimating fine age structure and time trends in human contact patterns from coarse contact data: the Bayesian rate consistency model.
: Contains R Markdown documents for pre-processing COVIMOD and POLYMOD codescripts
: Contains the R code that is used the generate simulated data, run Stan models, and post-process the modelsR
: Helper functions for pre-processing, post-processing, Stan, and othersstan_models
: Stan model filespaper
: R scripts used to generate tables and figures used in the paper.
Please report any bugs and issues to:{.email} or directly post a issue on GitHub.
Clone the repository to your chosen directory on your local machine.
git clone
For those using Imperial's High Performance Computing Clusters, begin by following the instructions in the Conda application guide to setup Conda for your HPC account. Assuming you have done this, begin by creating an environment into which we will install the required R and dependencies.
module load anaconda3/personal
conda create -n bayes-rate-consistency r-base=4.1.3 -c conda-forge
source activate bayes-rate-consistency
Navigate to the root of the directory and execute install-dependencies-hpc.R
Rscript install-dependencies-hpc.R
This will install the required R libraries recorded in the renv.lock
file and also install cmdstanr
from source.
To install the required R libraries using the command line interface, navigate to the repository and run the following command
Rscript install-dependencies.R
Navigate to the repository within RStudio and click on the covimod-gp.Rproj
to activate the project from the Files window.
Then, execute the following lines of code using the R console to install the required dependencies
You may need to manually install some packages such as cmdstanr
. If that is the case, please refer to: Getting started with CmdStanR.
To run simulation experiments for various scenarios and versions of the cross-sectional bayes-rate-consistency model, begin by configuring the contents of settings/simulation.yml
. The contents of the file are as follows:
seed: 1234
size: 2000
covid: TRUE
strata: "COVIMOD"
name: "hsgp-m52-rd"
hsgp_binf: 1.5
hsgp_m1: 30
hsgp_m2: 20
chains: 4
warmup: 500
sampling: 1500
max_treedepth: 13
- seed: Random seed to ensure replicability
- data:
- size: Number of participants in the contact survey
- covid: pre-COVID19 scenario or in-COVID19 scenario (
) - strata: Age stratification scheme for contact's age. Available options are
- model:
- name: Name of the model to use. Available options are
. Please refer tostan_models/
for specific details about each model. - hsgp_binf: Boundary inflation factor for Hilbert Space approximate Gaussian Processes. Will be ignored when using model beginning with
. - hsgp_m1: Number of basis functions for the first age dimension. Will be ignored when using model beginning with
. - hsgp_m2: Number of basis functions for the second age dimension.
Will be ignored when using model beginning with
. - chains: The number of MCMC chains to run in Stan.
- warmup: The number of MCMC warmup iterations.
- sampling: The number of MCMC sampling iterations.
- max_treedepth: The maximum depth of the binary tree that the No-U-Turn-Sampler (NUTS) builds.
- name: Name of the model to use. Available options are
After setting the parameters in settings/simulation.yml
, set the REPO_PATH
variables within hpc_scripts/
such that they are the absolute paths to the repository and the directory to house the generated outputs, respectively.
########## EDIT THIS SECTION ##########
# Create main script
cat > "$OUT_PATH/simulation-fullproc.pbs" <<EOF
#PBS -l walltime=08:00:00
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=4:ompthreads=1:mem=50gb
#PBS -J 1-10
module load anaconda3/personal
source activate bayes-rate-consistency
# Generate simulated datasets
Rscript scripts/sim-dataset.R \
-i "$REPO_PATH" \
-o "$OUT_PATH" \
--pidx "\$PBS_ARRAY_INDEX"
# Run Stan models
Rscript scripts/sim-run-stan.R \
-i "$REPO_PATH" \
-o "$OUT_PATH" \
--pidx "\$PBS_ARRAY_INDEX"
# Postprocessing
Rscript scripts/sim-postprocess.R \
-i "$REPO_PATH" \
-o "$OUT_PATH" \
--pidx "\$PBS_ARRAY_INDEX"
# Execute main script
qsub simulation-fullproc.pbs
This script generates a bash script named simulation-fullproc.pbs
in the specified output directory. This script is then submitted as a job to the HPC.
❗ By default, the script above will run 10 array jobs which will generate 10 sets of outputs. To prevent this, change
#PBS -J 1-10
to#PBS -J 1
Finally, from the root of the repository execute:
bash hpc_scripts/
At the moment, we are unable to provide COVIMOD or POLYMOD data due to data agreement terms. However, the de-identified data is scheduled to be released in the near future and this repository will be updated accordingly.