TANGO 2024 11 Release
This release includes several enhancements and updates on following functions:
- Project Manager:
container, - Unified AutoNN:
container, - Code Generation:
container, - Target Deployment:
Project Manager
Project Manager includes following new functions:
- Pipeline Iteration for CI/CD Support
- Presets on target and datasets commonly used
- Visualization of Unified AutoNN progress and statistics
Unified AutoNN
In this release, containers related to BMS, Yolo, Resnet, Visualization, NAS and HPO are unified into an Unified AutoNN (auonn
) container for speedup with providing following features:
- BMS function : rule-based model selection among
, andYOLOv9
. - Resume training withd adjusted batch size when CUDA out of memory
- LLM Inference(TangoChat)
- LLM RAG(Retrieval-Augmented Generation) prototype
- Model exporter: Torchscript, ONNX, ONNX end-to-end
- Training progress and statistics visualization
- Neural net model visualization
- Support for continual learning (tested with partitioned COCO dataset)
- Retraining Pipeline
- NAS: SuperNet training-NAS(SubNet training)-retraining pipeline
- HPO: NAS-HPO-retraining pipeline
- Model Visulaization
- Clarification of node connection points and edges
- Support YOLOV9 model
- YOLOV9 block node pop-up function
- backbone, neck, head layout of YOLOV9
Code Generation
Run-time Code Generation for YoloV9
- For detection applications, the functions of generating run-time codes for YoloV9 are added.
Web-based Application Code Generation
- For Cloud services such as GCP(Google Cloud Platform) and AWS(Amazon Web Services), web-based code generation functions are added.
Raspberry Pi5 + Google Coral M.2 PCIe TPU support
- For ondevice-applications, the code generation function for Raspberry Pi5 + Google Coral M.2 PCIe TPU + Tensorflow Iite is added.
Targe Deployment
In this release supported targets for deployment are added, refer to here for details.
TANGO 2024 05 Release
This release includes several enhancements and updates on following functions:
- Project Manager:
, - Base Model Selector:
, - Visualizer :
- Code Generation:
Project Manager
The version of Django
used in Project Manager is upgraded from 3.2.12 to 3.2.25 for CVE(Common Vulnarabilities and Exposures)
Replace vue-sweetalert2
with sweetalert
for resolving error in npm run build
- related PR: #151
Base Model Selector
Provide WebUI where user can specify the model size manually.
- related PR: #144
Enhance Batch Size check process with binary search algorithm.
- related PR: #139
The version of Django
used in Project Manager is upgraded from 3.2.12 to 5.0.3 for CVE(Common Vulnarabilities and Exposures)
- related PR: #143
YAML import function
- take input ResNet neural networks and YOLOv7-tiny neural networks described in YOLO-style YAML files and visualize them.
Support Complex Node
- create and validate YOLOv7-tiny neural networks as PyTorch models (.pt)
YAML export function
- convert and output Node & Edge-style neural networks described in JSON to YOLO-style YAML files.
Refer to PR #150 details on enhancement of Visualizer in this release.
Code Generation
Fix error with docker container build with python3.7 version:
Deployment module build
SyntaxError: future feature annotations is not defined
TANGO 2023 11 Release
This release includes several enhancements and updates on following functions:
- Project Manager:
, - Base Model Selector:
, - AutoNN :
(for detection task),autonn_resnet
(newly added for classification task) - Code Generation:
(formerly known asdeploy_codegen
), - Target Deployment:
- formerly single
container did the whole deployment task on different targets, now we have individual deployment containers for each target
- formerly single
To improve the efficiency of the autonn
container, which typically requires several days for training even on high-performance GPUs, we have implemented a manual workflow step-forward functionality within the project manager
. This functionality has been tested and validated through two stages:
stage: This stage utilizes the dataset and target configurations within the project manager to select the appropriate base model. The selected base model undergoes fine-tuning, generating a trained model and associated codes for the subsequent stage.code_gen
stage: Building upon the trained model and generated codes from the previous stage, this stage prepares executable neural network codes for deployment on the specified target, as configured in theproject_manager
container. Please note that the current release includes the addition of K8s and cloud (ex. Google Cloud Platform) target deployment-related code, although it is still under going.
Notes on the current release:
- We have tested K8s target deployment-related code, which has been developed and built.
- The project manager in this release uses Vue.js based front-end.
BMS and AutoNN
This release includes the bms
(Base Model Selector) container, developed by ETRI, which serves as a simple test for BMS member container role. The bms
container selects the base model from the Yolo v7 or Resnet and suitable batch size for training based on target type information such as ondevice (PC, Andorid Device, Embedded Board), K8s or cloud, specified within the project configuration step of the project_manager
. The selected base model is utilized in the AutoNN containers for fine-tuning with the dataset, also specifed within the project configuration step. Additionally, the AutoNN autonn_yoloe
and autonn_resnet
containers (implemented in autonn\YoloE
and autonn\ResNet
folders) hvae been included for testing the AutoNN member container role within the TANGO project workflow (pipeline).
Code Generation and Deployment on Targets
We have made changes to the source structure related to deployment codes compared to the previous release. The updates are as follows:
- The codes responsible for generating the executable neural network code have been moved to the
folder. - The codes for deploying the executable neural network have been relocated to the
The deploy_target
folder now includes sub-folders based on the deployment target:
: codes for deployment to cloud environments done incloud_deploy
: codes for deployment to Kubernetes done inkube_deploy
: codes for deployment to on-device platforms such as PC, android phones, or embedded devices, fullfilled inondevice_deploy
container- for PC or embedded devices,
container generates python codes that can be called by python interpreter. - for android phone,
container generates an APK file.
- for PC or embedded devices,
Notes on deployment:
- The codes in the
folder can be used to build a Docker image, but integration testing is still ongoing. Therefore, in this release, K8s deployment is not functioning properly.- In this release,
container supports TensorRT, Apache TVM, PyTorch and ACL. Support for RKNN . Support for rknn is still in progress.
To Do:
Model/Dataset Mirror
Pretrained Model Mirror
이 릴리즈는 TANGO에서 사용하는 pre-trained 모델 파일의 업로드/다운로드 기능을 제공합니다.
코드의 버전을 관리하기 위한 용도가 아닙니다.
참고 사항
- 릴리즈에 포함되는 개별 파일의 크기는 2GB 미만이어야 합니다.
- 릴리즈 전체의 크기는 제한이 없으며, Bandwidth 사용량에도 제한이 없습니다.
- Ref: About releases: Storage and bandwidth quotas
우측 상단의 Edit 아이콘을 클릭하시고, 편집 모드에서 pretrained model을 Drag & Drop하신 후 하단의 Update release 버튼을 클릭하시면 됩니다.
업로드하는 모델에 대하여 링크와 설명을 추가해주세요.
- : HanulSoft Pretrained Model
- : YOLOv7-NAS Supernet Pretrained Model
- : YOLOv9-T 500-epochs Checkpoint Model (You can resume training this model from epoch=500)
- : YOLOv9-T Pretrained Model (You can use this model for inference; It is stripped meta information and auxiliary branch for training)
TANGO 2023 06 Release
This release introduces several enhancements and updates, leveraging the following containers: bms
, autonn
(YoloE), deploy_codegen
, and deploy_target
, all integrated into a React.js based project manager
To improve the efficiency of the autonn
container, which typically requires several days for training even on high-performance GPUs, we have implemented a manual workflow step-forward functionality within the project manager
. This functionality has been tested and validated through two stages:
stage: This stage utilizes the dataset and target configurations within the project manager to select the appropriate base model. The selected base model undergoes fine-tuning, generating a trained model and associated codes for the subsequent stage.deploy_codegen
stage: Building upon the trained model and generated codes from the previous stage, this stage prepares executable neural network codes for deployment on the specified target, as configured in theproject manager
. Please note that the current release includes the addition of K8s target deployment-related code, although it has not undergone full testing.
Notes on the current release:
- We have introduced K8s target deployment-related code, which has been developed and built but requires further testing to ensure seamless integration.
- This release will be the last release to feature the React.js based
project manager
Starting from the next release, we will transition to a new Vue.js basedproject manager
front-end, currently developed under teslasystem_vue branch.
BMS and AutoNN
This release includes the BMS (Base Model Selector) container, developed by ETRI, which serves as a simple test for BMS member container role. The BMS container selects the base model from the Yolo v7 series based on target type information (pc, ondevice, cloud, or k8s) specified within the project configuration step of the project manager
. The selected base model is utilized in the AutoNN containers for fine-tuning with the dataset, also specifed within the project configuration step. Additionally, the AutoNN container (implemented in autonn\YoloE
), developed by ETRI, has been included for testing the AutoNN member container role within the TANGO project workflow (pipeline).
Code Generation and Deployment
We have made changes to the source structure related to deployment codes compared to the previous release. The updates are as follows:
- The codes responsible for generating the executable neural network code have been moved to the
folder. - The codes for deploying the executable neural network have been relocated to the
The deploy_target
folder now includes sub-folders based on the deployment target:
: codes for deployment to cloud environmentsk8s
: codes for deployment to Kubernetes clusters (Please note that the k8s deployment functionality is not operational in this release but will be addressed in future updates.)ondevice
: codes for deployment to on-device platforms
Notes on deployment:
- The codes in the
folder can be used to build a Docker image, but integration testing is still ongoing. Therefore, in this release, K8s deployment is not functioning properly.- In this release,
supports TensorRT, Apache TVM, PyTorch and [ACL] ( Support for RKNN . Support for rknn is still in progress.
To Do:
In the next release, the project manager
will use a Vue.js-based front-end with support for fully manual/automatic workflow step-forward functionality.
TANGO 2022 11 Release
- manual workflow step forward tested
- core REST API implemented and tested
- project mananger function: target set management
- labelling tool: MS coco import tested
To do
- automatic workflow step forward function
Description of This Pre-Release
The list of functions in this release are as follows:
- Project Configuration
- Target Set Management
- Dataset Management
- Workflow Configuration
- Workflow Control (manual start)
- CPU only Member Container Unit Tested
- bms: Base Model Selection,
- vis2code: Model Visualizer,
- auto_nn: Automatic Neural Network Generation (neck_nas, bb_nas)
- code_gen : Code for Deployment on Target (On Device target)
- deployment: On-Device Deployment
- Workflow Control (Automatic Coordination)
- prior member container readiness check
- workflow step forward : start(), status_report() processing
- member container health check: heartbeat/probe
- Auto Listing in Project Configuration
- available targets auto list
- available dataset auto list
- GPU enabled Member Container Support
- bms, backbon-nas, neck-nas