This is a .NET WPF application that will take a .txt file as input, replace matching regex with user input, and print the final result with all replaced words.
The default regex is \[.+?\] to catch any set of characters between square brackets.
Category of Story
Title of Story
Full story
The .txt file takes markdown into consideration for any words and should be used outside of bracket pairs for user-submitted words.
Time for Crab
Oh, how I wish I was a Crab. I would be so *[adjective]*.
I would **[adverb]** pinch people's ***[part of body (plural)]***
and get away before they could even [verb] me.
The form will then list all regex matches in order with a text box next to each one.
After filling out all text boxes and clicking the submit button, the application displays the completed story with all added words underlined and with their respective emphases.