The plugin was made over Vue3 with considering the Qasar Frameork v2.X. The plugin provides auto country detection on user inputs as well as dropdown for country which supports search by name, country code and country phone code.
Live preview for the code is avaialble in CodePen
Contributers are welcome.
Embed the Gist as
<script src=""></script>
yarn add vue3-q-tel-input
npm i vue3-q-tel-input
Import the component as
import Vue3QTelInput from 'vue3-q-tel-input'
Import the styles as
import 'vue3-q-tel-input/dist/vue3-q-tel-input.esm.css'
<vue3-q-tel-input v-model:tel="tel" />
All the props that are supported in quasr input field are available in the plugin as well. example
<vue3-q-tel-input v-model:tel="tel" dense outlined />
Prop | Type | Description | Usage |
tel | string or number | The telephone value | v-model:tel="telephone_number" |
Prop | Type | Required | Description |
required | Boolean | No | Shows error validation when the field is empty |
search-text | String | No | The label for the search field inside the country dropdown |
default-country | String | No | The default country to load. eg: us, ae, de, in etc. |
dropdown-options | Obejct | No | The props availalbe for the Quasar Select |
eager-validate | Boolean | No | Set to true if the validation needs not be run on loading |
Emitter | Type | Description |
update:tel | string | Triggers when an update is made to the model value |
input | string | Triggers when the input value changes |
error | boolean | true when the input is invalid and false when valid |