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Releases: MDxWARRIORxOP/TheLoafLanguage


27 Oct 09:51
Choose a tag to compare

version 1.0.2!

Added Maths!

breadition - add two numbers (supports only two for now).
breadtraction - subtract two numbers (supports only two for now).
breadplication - multiply 2 numbers (supports only two for now).
breadivision - divide 2 numbers (supports only two for now).

All features are tested.

If you find anything wrong, or any bugs, Please open an issue!


25 Oct 18:59
Choose a tag to compare

First version 1.0.1!
Features: Constant and mutable variables. Integer, Boolean, String and Float data types. sprinkle(); and breadcast(); functions to print a string to the console.
All features are tested.
If you find anything wrong, or any bugs, Please open an issue!