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Topology attribute handling

mnmelo edited this page Sep 5, 2016 · 6 revisions

As per the discussion started in #942, missing attributes from a topology will be handled according to different categories (a few more categories were added in this page). These are:


  1. Left out of the Topology, with a general AttributeError on accession;
  2. Left out of the Topology, but with a specific MDAnalysis.MissingTopologyAttributeError on accession, perhaps suggesting how to set/guess values;
  3. Added to the topology, set to a default;
  4. Added to the topology, guessed — possibly with a warning that it is guessed. If guess fails, assign some default;
  5. Added to the topology, guessed — possibly with a warning that it is guessed. If guess fails, warn and leave unassigned (like category 2 above);
  6. Absolutely necessary; abort Topology/Universe loading if absent;
  7. Internal: attribute generated internally that does not depend on topology availability or guessing;
  8. Attribute that you think should be removed from consideration.

(Thanks to @jbarnoud for suggesting some of the possibilities above)


We need to decide which attributes go into which category. This will be implemented as part of the topology refactor (#363). Please edit the table below to vote your opinion, and if needed add your justification to #942. Factors you might want to take into account are

  • consistency,
  • ease for the user in case of missing attributes,
  • little boilerplate for the most common cases,
  • and backwards compatibility (though this last factor might be of less importance since compatibility will already be broken by the topology refactor).
Attribute @mnmelo
residues* 3
segments* 3
indices 7
resindices 7
segindices 7
ids 3
names 6
types 1
elements 5
radii 5
chainIDs 1
icodes 1
tempfactors 1
masses 5
charges 2
bfactors 1
occupancies 1
altLocs 1
resids 3
resnames 2
resnums 3
segids 3
bonds 5
angles 5
dihedrals 5
impropers 1
other attrs 1

* While not strictly attributes, Residue/Segment assignment falls pretty much in the same categories, and their handling is relevant for related attributes (resindices, resids, etc.).

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