by the Medical College of Wisconsin and MSOE
The following code is used to deidentify data from the following incoming data sets :
- Database
- Flat files ( coming soon )
- HDFS ( coming soon )
After de-identification the data can be written back to a remote database or to a local Postgres instance .
One needs to have the following installed to run this software
- Docker ( 1.12.* in Beta at this time)
- git
- Runs on mac only ( bat scripts coming soon)
Docker can be installed from their website. To install git we suggest installing Homebrew
Then install git with the command :
brew install git
First download the Linux JDK jdk-8u111-linux-i586.tar.gz at the time of this writing and put it into the archive directory .
From : If a differennt version is present then one will need to update the script to reference that one.
No matter if one is running a standalone or Local database one needs to first pull down the git repo of deid software . This is done with by running :
This pulls down the recent software and builds the local container .
In this instance we use docker-compose to start up both the "app" and the "db" with processing going into the postgres db from the app.
Before one begins the de-id process one needs to set up where one gets the incoming data and where it's going to .
s = "Python syntax highlighting"
print s