Members: Joan Fontanals, Yixiong Yang
Date: 4 Oct 2019
This code is to search images from a large image database (DB) for finding paintings in a museum image collection.
Main steps:
- Generate descriptors for all DB images;
- Extract features from query image
- Compute similarities between descriptors from the query image and each DB image descriptor, and order the DB images according these similarities.
- Task 1: Create Museum and query image descriptors (BBDD & QS1)
- Task 2: Implement / compute similarity measures to compare images
- Task 3: Implement retrieval system (retrieve top K results)
- Task 4: Evaluation using map@k
- Task 5: Background removal using color (QS2). Compute descriptor on foreground (painting)
- Task 6: Evaluation of picture masks and retrieval system (QS2)
How to run:
Just run the Application/
The structure of the code
--- // help
--- Application // main part to solve the result
------- // run the main to output all the results
--- data // data should be here with the default setting. if not, modify the
--- Evaluation // functions for evaluating the result (for Task 4,6)
------- // evaluate the mask (for Task 6)
------- // evaluate the retrieval system (for Task 4)
--- ImageDescriptors // Compute image descriptors and Similarity
------- // define the histogram of both origin and masked pictures (for Task 1)
------- // calculate the similarity with 4 different methods (for Task 2)
--- ImageRetrieval // rank the most similar pictures
------- // rank the similarity with different methods (for Task 3)
--- Mask // still improving the mask
--- // define the path of input, output and some global parameters
--- qsd1_results.pkl // Best result for QSD1
--- qsd2_results.pkl // Best result for QSD2