Delphi-GCharts is a Delphi library of components to generate charts in uniGUI Framework using the Google Charts API.
Currently it supports the following Google Chart classes:
- Annotation
- Area
- Bar
- Bubble
- Calendar
- Candlestick
- Column
- Combo
- Diff
- Donut
- Gantt
- Gauge
- Geo
- Histogram
- Intervals
- Line
- Organization
- Pie
- Sankey Diagram
- Scatter
- Stepped Area
- Table
- Timeline
- Tree Maps
- Trendlines
- Waterfall
- Word Trees
The library has two main components:
- TcfsGChartProducer(non visual): this component is responsible for generating the javascript code according to the data and options of the class chart to be generated.
- TuniGChartsFrame: this component is used to view and interact with the Chart produced by TcfsGChartProducer.
Delphi-GCharts has been coded and tested in Delphi 10.4 Sydney
with uniGUI Version: 1.90.0 build 1557
, but surely can be compiled into earlier or newer versions.
Install the visual component that is in the package folder and also add to the library search path the sources folder.
Basic example to generate this Pie Chart:
unit Main;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics,
Controls, Forms, uniGUITypes, uniGUIAbstractClasses,
uniGUIClasses, uniGUIRegClasses, uniGUIForm, uniGUIBaseClasses,
TMainForm = class(TUniForm)
uniGChartsFrame1: TuniGChartsFrame;
procedure UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject);
function MainForm: TMainForm;
{$R *.dfm}
uniGUIVars, MainModule, cfs.GCharts; // <--- Add this unit
function MainForm: TMainForm;
Result := TMainForm(UniMainModule.GetFormInstance(TMainForm));
procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Chart: IcfsGChartProducer; //Defined as TInterfacedObject. No need try..finally
Chart := TcfsGChartProducer.Create;
Chart.ClassChartType := TcfsGChartProducer.CLASS_PIE_CHART;
// Data
TcfsGChartDataCol.Create(TcfsGChartDataType.gcdtString, 'Topping'),
TcfsGChartDataCol.Create(TcfsGChartDataType.gcdtNumber, 'Slices')
Chart.Data.AddRow(['Mushrooms', 3]);
Chart.Data.AddRow(['Onions', 1]);
Chart.Data.AddRow(['Olives', 1]);
Chart.Data.AddRow(['Zucchini', 1]);
Chart.Data.AddRow(['Pepperoni', 2]);
// Options
Chart.Options.Title('How Much Pizza I Ate Last Night');
// Generate
uniGChartsFrame1.DocumentSetBody('<div id="Chart" style="width:100%;height:100%;"></div>');
uniGChartsFrame1.DocumentGenerate('Chart', Chart);
The library includes in demos folder the GChartsDemo project with several examples that show how to build the different class charts.
When running the demo you can:
- Display the Delphi Code used to generate the Chart
- Click Google Guide button to see the official documentation of Google Charts.
- Click on the Chart to see fired events
- Click on Print button to print current frame with the chart/charts (new)
- 1.2: added to the package folder *.dpk for Delphi
11.2 Alexandria
- 1.1: added print method to print the frame with the chart/charts (see Demos)
- 1.0: Initial Version
Please, if you use Delphi GCharts, "Star" this project in GitHub!
It cost nothing to you but helps other developers to reference the code.