A script to parse IDMEF / IODEF RFC and generate graphs for a better view and understanding of thoses concepts
- Ruby (tested with version 2.6)
- RubyGems (tested with version 3.0.3)
- haml (tested with version 5.1.2)
- ruby-graphviz (tested with version 1.2.5)
- prawn (tested with version 2.3.0)
ruby idmef.rb # To parse the IDMEF RFC (rfc4765.txt)
ruby iodef.rb # To parse the IODEF v1 and v2 RFC (rfc5070.txt and rfc7970.txt)
ruby graph_generator.rb # To generate classes diagram from already parsed IDMEF / IODEF RFC
ruby gen_html.rb # Build a website to navigate through the classes
👤 Sélim Menouar
- GitHub: @ningirsu
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
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