All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.3.0 (2019-02-10)
- alphabetised component order (2aa7786)
- better button documentation (c732efa)
- changed section padding to margin (3273785)
- smooth scrolling using sidebar (a621973)
- theme variable indentation (2e4854a)
- typo (code component) (5cdc2f2)
- typography imports (f75da68)
- typos (7e5d6cf)
1.2.0 (2018-09-21)
- add code component documentation (8675f8c)
1.1.1-alpha.0 (2018-09-21)
- align utility typos (27ebf50)
- app header flex align typo (a6362a6)
- background accent modifier syntax (16116ef)
- background utility formatting (47a08b1)
- border utility class syntax (84eb6f8)
- button component documentation (63b77f6)
- button documentation formatting (0f756c3)
- flex align class typos (748d2f7)
- flex auto and initial documentation (f044186)
- flex docs (ab87f4b)
- footer height vars (5b34f39)
- margin table titles (594caf1)
- remove empty line (a5a7a93)
- remove longhand aliases from background utilities (0dfd88b)
- sidebar component tidying (27c60b3)
- switch input display bug (4f58464)
- theme vars (f6d2ca1)
- tidy and fix some theme vars (5c36b08)
- add border radius unit-specific variables (03c17b3)
- add force modifiers to border utilities (412a8c3)
- add header component (ed5d990)
- add ui accent vars as background utility classes (d9b8be3)
- add utility section to sidebar (4c5e24e)
- align utilities (bfcec82)
- background utility documentation (65c0523)
- body element documentation (1aeb293)
- border radius utilities (cddbfb4)
- border utility documentation (74af317)
- box sizing documentation (9840844)
- button is-disabled modifier (b9c0040)
- define color utilities and add to bundle (52620fc)
- element documentation (371a429)
- flex documentation (WIP) (503c1ef)
- footer component (f325c58)
- height utilities (2e0f87f)
- margin utility documentation (2371c02)
- monospace font utility class (27c4f6e)
- new force margin modifiers (ff404c5)
- new force padding modifiers (6a30034)
- padding utility documentation (fced6bb)
- resize utilities (f39600b)
- scroll the main content area (020ba59)
- switch component (e25f617)
- table size modifiers (0123d9a)
- user-agent documentation (9ca0c88)